Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday: Keeping focused in the COLD!

It's getting that time when the weather changes...the temperature drops and it becomes more difficult to work out. Whether you are usually an out-door runner or just loading up and heading to the gym can become a task you don't want to do.

You must stay focused! Generate some back-up plans. There's no need to build an in-home gym just choose to accept today's challenge to ready for Winter Workouts!

Today's Challenge: Here's three ways to get ready for the Winter Workouts.
  1. Hit the thrift shop or re-sell bin on videos--you'll find some. Even if they are old they'll still come in handy.
  2. Invest in some cheap free weights-you don't need a set of 10 just some basics-5lb, 10lb.
  3. Get an Accountability Partner or commit to a "Skinny Santa" or similar program.
Choose One...Challenge Issued!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Saturday: Return IT!

Borrowers Beware!

Extra, Extra! Read all about it...borrowers get ready for the challenge of a lifetime...

For more than two years I have borrowed maternity clothes unreturned--seriously two years People! This is the day that the Lord has made to purge the stuff....if you have items that don't belong to you-Get ready this will be a tough challenge.

Today's Challenge:
Return the Borrowed STUFF! So my list begins with maternity clothes, ice chest, toys, etc. etc. etc. You will be amazed the space and freedom you'll feel after you've made your runs around town and return was is not yours!

Challenge Issued!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Relationship Challenges: Loving Life

Too many times we go thru life complaining...we don't smell the roses and realize how incredibly short our time is here on planet Earth.

This morning I was running with my training partner and the moon was BEAUTIFUL! It was huge and orange...I wanted to get a picture and we thought waiting till we made a certain turn would give me a better angle to take the picture...we ran for less 7 minutes to get to the right spot and it was gone!
---Seriously---GONE!  I kinda don't know where it went. In that short span of time a beautiful tapestry that had been designed for us to see by our great CREATOR was wiped clean. Life is too short! Time flies!  It's the same with people--don't waste the moments.

Today's Challenge: Be grateful! We waist too much time complaining and miss out on all the moments that matter-Snap your picture and enjoy the moments along and with others!

Challenge Issued!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Spiritual Challenge: Stretch to Understanding

The term Christian strikes each person differently...whether it's pride at being able to claim Jesus or fear and anger that wells up for those that have experienced judgement, pain or criticism from a "Christian".

As a follower of Christ, we must stretch to a new understanding...the gospel message was meant for everyone-even those we don't understand. It's our job to deliver that message thru our actions and love-not our accusing stares and pointed fingers. We need to learn to stretch and love those around us.

Today's Challenge: Create safe space and love people where they are. Stretch yourself and open some doors for the Holy Spirit to work.  Accept others and be ready to share the Good News!

Challenge Issued!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday Challenge: Be Open!

Today's relationship challenge is geared around being open-minded to new people...you don't know what's in store for you till you open the door of your heart and let others in. I recently watched a movie called "Lemonade Mouth" with my kids. It was a cute Disney movie about  some high school teens who made a band..great story of friendship.

These teens had to "Be Open" to new people. We get stuck in the same circle of friends and rarely do we roll the dice on newbies-

Today's Challenge: Branch out-roll the dice-take a chance on a new face! Reach out to one new person today! Don't be shy-the blessing is your to receive.

Challenge Issued!

Thursday: Know How You Roll

Just recently I was sitting with a group of women who are all within 5-10 years of retiring. One plans to retire at the end of the year. She has had several health problems along the way and is ready for the downtime.

She disclosed she was concerned about retiring because she wanted to maintain her standard of living  and not feel a financial pinch. She has had her investment portfolio reviewed by two different people. One told she'd be fine the other said he didn't think she'd make it--now she sits in limbo concerned over the conflicting views.

Today's Challenge: Know what you have and why. Your best financial planner is YOU! If you don't understand your investments for the future-stop investing till you know what your doing. This is your future-this is your money-don't blow it!

Challenge Issued!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Challenge: Support Those You Love Most

Today's Family Challenge is inspired by a woman's dream and the excitement on her spouses' face when it was completed. Sometimes we don't understand the choices and decisions our family members make.  The job they have, their choice to run a marathon, the decision to take the long way to dinner, sometimes their choices don't make sense to us.

Do they have too? Not always...when your child switches major from accounting to art...or marries the boy in the band, or choose to run 26 miles-support it!

Today's Challenge: Support the decisions you always dint understand.  Their victory will become yours!

Challenge Issued!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Physical Challenge: Are You Ready To Fight?

At the age of 42 my mom had a heart attack. Youth was on her side-yet her physical condition wasn't.   Since the age of 14 she smoked. Fried food and rich meals were part of our daily menu...exercise consisted of sprinting from baseball to basketball and she worked to keep up with three very active teens. It wasn't easy and it took it's toll.

Multiple surgeries, insane bills and a life that will never be the same. My mom wasn't ready to fight. We never know what blows are going to be thrown our way...we need to be ready to fight....for our lives, our futures and our families.

One of the best ways to prepare is to get healthy!

Today's Challenge: Examine your physical condition-be honest-do you need to lose weight, quit smoking, eat a healthier diet? Can you run for one mile? Make changes to get where you need to be. Choose two key health changes that will make a difference. Prepare to fight-you never know what life will deal you.

Challenge Issued!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday: Go Green!

Today's money challenge is a bit of a repeat, however, I feel like we get away from the basics and miss out on the chances to save. The weekend is right around the corner. Instead of plopping down the plastic-pull out the cash.

Today's Challenge: Be focused on your weekend spending. Plan ahead what you will do and what you will spend. Get your cash out today. Be prepared.

Challenge Issued!

Wednesday: National Headlines

Today's SmaterU challenge is easy...there is so much going on international with foreign nations today we will check the headlines and feel the pulse if America.

Today's Challenge: Log on to a major paper-wall street journal, New York Times, Dallas Morning News and get the scoop. Scan the headlines and try to read one international story and one random special interest story. Be informed!

Challenge Issued!

Tuesday: Forming Good Habits

It can take as long as 90 days to truly develop and maintain a habit. The good ones are the toughest to train your body for and keep. Having a written plan helps motivate you toward that positive impact and keep you on track. 

People say give it 2-weeks...give it 90 days. What's 3 months?

Today's Challenge: Choose a healthy habit and plan how you will work it into life and stick with it. Drinking water, sleep, yoga, exercise, healthy shopping...what's your commitment going to be?

Challenge Issued!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday: Facing The Giants-Stonwall!

I love football...some of my favorite movies are: Rudy, Remember The Titians, Friday Night Lights. I have seen Facing The Giants several times, however last night I watched with fresh eyes a great story about our Saviour unfold. There is a scene in the movie when the team is playing for the championship and they are working to stop a touchdown on the goal line.

The defense was so tired, yet their leader yelled "Stonewall" which is related to a Nehemiah and how everyone was responsible for building the wall in front of their own house. Spiritually we are responsible for our own house...just like the defense was responsible for their own man/section.

Today's Challenge: Examine your own space...what part of the stonewall do you need to work on? Is it prayer life? Devotion time? Church attendance? Whatever it is-Remeber all things are possible with God. Get your tools and start building!

Challenge Issued!

Sunday: Mutual Respect

Josh McDowell says, "Rules without respect leads to rebellion."  Recently a friend was having a tough time with her teen...instead of yelling and scolding him her response was, "I respect your opinion but I need you to respect me."

What grace and wisdom she exhibited in that short phrase. Instead of diving into a deeper argument she walked away diginity intact and showed her son, honest respect. In return, he gave her the same. Whether your family member is 2 or 22 treated them with respect will train their hearts.

Hebrews 13:7--"Remember your leaders. They taught God's message to you. Remember how they lived and died, and copy their faith."

Today's Challenge: Lead your family members with respect and love. Show them a solid Christ-like leader!

Challenge Issued!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saturday-Two Chipmunk Songs

As I zone out and watch college football I hear my children downstairs singing an Alvin and The Chipmunks song. If only I could clean and organize as fast as they sing....well, lets try to beat the music.

Today's Challenge: Turn on a chipmunk song or something really fast and upbeat-do a quick clean to the music. Maybe do a fun dance with your kids as you help with their room or do the bathroom (a small room). Use the music as your timer. Make it fun!

Challenge Issued!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Relationship Challenge: Invest Wisely

Relationships are all unique. One week "Joe" is your best friend then the next week "Joe" acts like he barely knows you. Sometimes you need to do an honest evaluation of your friends and decide if they are worth your time...investing in others is a painful challenge-so choose wisely your investments.

Today's Challenge: Evaluate your relationships and consider the investment. Don't be afraid to close the friend account or pour it all in...

Challenge Issued!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday Challenge: Something Random

Yes...I am remaining behind which makes me sad and concerned however, this entire blog is suppose to be about being a BetterU365 days. Never resting from positive reinforcement and striving to impact others with grace, love and good.

However, it's tough to pour yourself out when your inside is empty. Is your heart and soul empty? Are you struggling to be a BetterU? Are you just struggling to make the next decision.

Today's Challenge: Remember those who have poured themselves out for you. Don't let hate, sadness, depression fill you up. It would be better to remain empty. Instead be filled with the beauty and love in life.

Challenge Issued!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Monday: Spiritual Strong

Have you been hitting the gym of JESUS lately?  Or are you missing the workouts He's prepared in advance for you?

Challenge: Read Joshua 1:1-9...Theses few verses tell us to be strong and courageous...how can we do that if we aren't working our spiritual muscles to be strong! Get grounded!  Choose a workout plan that works and get started.
       1. scripture memory
       2. daily devotional
       3. private/personal worship
      4. accountability
These are all aspects that your workout should include. Evaluate your spiritual health and get started. Let the verses in Joshua encourage you that GOD wants us to be strong and courageous, but we still have to prepare.

Challenge Issued!

Sunday: Family Treasures

Recently, I bought a necklace that has all my children's birthstones in it and has a little charm that says family. I adoringly put it on and wore it several times last week. Each time I saw it in the mirror at the bathroom or car I would whisper a little prayer from my kids.

Today's Challenge: Choose a family treasure that reminds you of several family members... wear it or put it where you will see it several times...not a picture but maybe artwork or a shoe, etc. Make a point to pray for family member each time you see it! The real challenge is remember what is the treasure-it's not the stuff but those behind the stuff that is the treasure!

Challenge Issued!

Saturday: BED CHECK

There is a mystery that looms in house and it's under the children's bed...we see all kinds of crazy stuff come out from underneath the bed.

Today's Challenge: Be a more organized and clean you and do the BED CHECK for all your rooms.

Challenge Issued!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Friday: Relationship Demands

No matter the relationship there are always demands...
 I demand my children help clean their rooms
 I demand my husband stay loyal
 I demand my dogs stay in the yard
Even though we play demands on others-those demands aren't always met.
 My children to not always help clean their room
 Husbands and wives don't always remain loyal
 My dogs get out!

What are your demands? Evaluate them.  Are they too much? When people fail to meet the demands we have placed on them-where does it leave you? Heart-broken?

Today's Challenge:  Think thru the demands you've placed on others-maybe they are simple and maybe they are hard-should you re-think them?  Have you correctly expressed them and is there a clear understanding of what you are asking? Eliminate at least one demand you've placed on someone close. It may just be the difference in your heartbreak.

Challenge Issued!

Thursday: Back to School BUCKS!

Back to school shopping can be crazy expensive. We have a Preschooler and Kindergartener and we spent almost $80 on school supplies-Holy Moly! As we were going thru the process, I thought about the families who may have 3 or 4 kids in school and my heart went out to them...knowing that finances can come into play and there not be enough green to go around. I tried to come up with some tricks to save some BTS cash.

1. Don't buy name brand--go with the generic or off-brand-let's face it-Colors are colors.
2. Reuse-are 3-ring binders really worth replacing? Just use last year.
3. Comparative shop-find the sale papers and places like Wal-Mart will match competitor pricing.
4. Check out the thrift shop-BTS brings generous back-pack donations, etc.
5. Do group SAM's or Costco runs...get a group of mom's together and buy in bulk then split the
    cost.  Buying in bulk always saves!

Today's Challenge: Implement one cost-saving measure! Don't get the back to school money blues--get cash cues and save!

Challenge Issued!

Wednesday: SmarterU...Think Twice-Develop a PPP!

Usually, SmarterU post are about educating yourself...this one is a little different...

While running early in the morning, I pass a lot of people I don't know. Some in cars, other runners or walkers, a few bike riders-there's really a large group of people who are up early exercising in our small community. However, I don't know them all-especially those I may run past in cars. They see me with my music blaring and sweat pouring and I am paying little attention to the world around me
...or AM I?
Do you have a PPP?

Today Challenge: THINK TWICE-Have a Personal Protection Plan thought thru for different circumstances. You never what crazy person maybe lurking around the corner. Take different routes when exercising.  Know where exits are in a gym. Should you run with Mace?

Don't think that no one is watching-because people are-life is to short to not to Think Twice and have a PPP in place. Teach your children a PPP. Be a SMARTERU and be prepared!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Tuesday: Setting Long-Range Goals

It's tough at times when the scale stops moving or your exercise plan gets off course to maintain motivation. This is where long-range goals can be the spark to keep your eyes on the prize. Most people don't think in 5 years I want my physical fitness state to be....but we should. Your health goals shod at least look 3 years down the road not just 30 minutes to lunch.

Today's Challenge: Set some long- term (at least 3 years) physical fitness goals! Write them down and put them in a place you'll see at least weekly. This  challenge souls be just what you need to conquer the slow periods and get on track!

Challenge Issued!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday-How Handi is your Work?

Ephesians 2:10 states: "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

Consider the word handiwork.  When you think about other items that are made by hand I always think about the amount of time and effort and forethought that goes into creating and designing things by hand. As the passage says: We are GOD's handiwork...we are created and designed by HIS thoughts, plans and hands!

Today's Challenge: Live out the second 1/2 of that verse--CREATED TO DO GOOD!

It tells us GOD has already planned out all the things we are to do...geez! Thanks! It's hard making the decisions so knowing the hard part is already done for us...makes living it out possible...DO GOOD! We are GOD's unique designs made by HIS hands to do the good HE has already planned...GET STARTED!

Challenge Issued!

Sunday-Baby Picture Memories

Even though my kids are small...they get so excited to hear about when they were a baby. Seeing their eyes light up about little stories of when they were tiny and what their favorite baby food was is so moving. Even when teenagers roll into the picture and the time is right--not in front of the football team--I think they will still like to hear the baby memories.

Today's Challenge: Write a note to your child and if they are to little to read-Read it to them-of about a special moment. Maybe their first word-or when they walked. Try to include a picture of that moment. Showing your children that you cherish all the small things about them will help you build lasting relationships.

Challenge Issued!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Saturday Challenge: Organized Yet Creative Gift-Giver

Just recently I had a brilliant gift idea. It would require work up front but after catch up time it would get easy. To catch those lifetime memories start a scrapbook as a gift for grandparents. Each year for the special holidays give them a new page to add. You'll have great fun putting together one page at a time with family members, you'll always have a gift, it will capture all the special moments.

Today's Challenge: Be an organized gift-giver! Come up with a unique idea for a gift and start a tradition! 

Challenge Issued!

Friday: "I Can't Do Anything With That Kid..."

Just recently my husband read a little article to me about "How to Raise A Delinquent Child". It was great-it listed 10 things you should not do for your kid.  One if my favorite was, "When he gets into trouble, apologize for yourself by saying, 'I never could do anything with that boy/girl anyway.' "

Why not? It's your child...as an adult you should be apologizing to the child for failing them if you are always having to make excuses.

Challenge Issued: Man-Up and parent! You job with your children will effect many. Don't sit on the sidelines just praying be involved and be a sculpture with your clay.

Challenge Issued!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday: The Lucky Lotto Numbers Are....

Very few people win the lotto. And yes I've heard "you can't win if you don't play" but seriously-if you just want to flush a few dollars down the toilette please don't do it at my house. I understand the random power ball buyer. A ticket or 2 a year or the scratch off gift you give to grandpa at Christmas because you don't know what else to get him. But there are tons of people who waste there hard- earned money trying to win the lotto.

Today's Challenge: Save the lotto dollars and consider a retirement account instead. Don't be foolish be smart with your dollars and cents.

Challenge Issued!

Wednesday: SmarterU-Hablo Espanol?

The United States I a melting pot of culture. Statistics say Hispanic population will become the majority ethnic group within the next 10 years. When we look at the world population the Asisn population is probably the greatest. Overall, our ability to change and grow in this diverse world we live in should become a priority.

Today's Challenge: Learn 5 phrases in another language. I would challenge you to even consider taking a class, but let's start small.

Challenge Issued!

Tuesday: Dedicated Few

Early in the morning when running I usually pass about 5 people or when I'm at the gym I typically see 7 faces dripping with sweat. If I go to the gym at lunch I'll usually see 4 individuals pumping iron. The evening is the busiest time at the gym and I bet there are about 25-30 different folks working out between 5 pm and 9 pm.

Why have I just rambled off these numbers? Because even in the small town we live in less than 10% of the population are exercising. I am sure there are more people exercising at home or midday that I don't see. But on the whole we live in an unhealthy society where television time is more important than an evening walk and where a exercise program is always put off till tomorrow.

Today's Challenge: Be one if the dedicated few! Exercise! Take a walk, hit the gym, change your schedule and become healthier.

Challenge Issued!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Monday: Get Up and Shower!

Right now my husband is doing a sermon series on "Scars"....focused on how family can leave emotional scars. It is a very intense series that has so much depth about hurting and healing. This past Sunday he compared people to David after his son died-how many people are hurting and they stay on the ground wallowing in the ashes and the heartbreak...David did not. He got up and moved forward.

I know there are so many hurting people and that's exactly where they are. They stay on the ground and wallow. They never get and rejoice in what God has done for them. They complain about the job,  marriage, life-they are letting the pain steal thier life.

Today's Challenge: Get Up and Shower! Eat dinner and get moving in the blessings you have been given. Erase the words of contempt from your lips and live for today.
"Today is the day The Lord has made-Rejoice and Be Glad!"

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday: Family Vacation

We've discussed family vacation from an expenses standpoint, importance and value view. I've even posted the top places to go in the US...but we haven't actually dealt with the people portion yet-who is invited on the family vacation?

I'm sure you think you can survive one week with your crazy sister or extreme mother-in-law...but is it much of a vacation? If you are having to spend the entire time wondering and worrying it will sap your joy. Maybe you should opt for a smaller trip for the first trip together and just go in knee deep to the pool rather than fully plunging into a situation that will drown your fun!

Today's Challenge: Weigh your decisions carefully when choosing your family fun. Enjoy yourself and don't extend the invitation to quickly.

Challenge Issued!

Saturday: How's the Car????

We've had the clean your car challenge...however, remember the inside of your car is a direct reflection of the inside of your life...is if clean and neat? Or does it need a few minutes attention. The summer brings trips, summer sports, pool adventures and lots of trash in the car.

Today's Challenge: Go ahead and hit the car wash! Vacuum and wash the car. It will help you better organize your life when the little things are taken care of!

Challenge Issued!

Friday: Opening Your Mind

Working with new people on huge projects can be difficult. You don't want to think that someone can make things happen like you and your team...however, sometimes just opening your mind and heart to new people can make a world if difference in you and your perspective.

Today's Challenge: Be open to new relationships and change-let God use you in the life of others and let him change your heart and perspective by using 'others' in your life.

Challenge Issued!

Thursday: Farmer's Market Bank

The summer produce prices often depend on the weather in 'wherever' it's being imported from. One money saving tip and a great way to support your local farmers is to hit your local Farmer's Market. You get top quality, fresh produce, locally grown without the handlers fee.

Today's Challenge: Find a local Farmer's Market and plan a visit. Buy your produce home-grown and save!

Challenge Issued!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

SmarterU: Biting Off More than U can Chew!

Readers: I owe you a huge apology...it has been a week since I have posted a challenge and today's SmarterU challenge addresses the issue. In the past 2 weeks-I've traveled to Texas for 5 days, embarqued upon a new career/job, filled a huge volunteer role for my church and tried to maintain some semblance of a home...well-maybe just piles of laundry and toys. To say the least I've over committed and horribly planned!

No exercise in a week, eating chocolate, not getting enough sleep etc. has all contributed to my demise. But the biggest contributor is me. Tomorrow, I'm back on track with challenges! So please forgive my failures and......

Today's Challenge: be selective in your commitments. Don't Bite off more than U can chew. Be a BetterU and learn from my mistake! Be a SmarterU!

Challenge Issued!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday: SmarterU-History Check

Tomorrow is July 4 if you've been following the challenges.  Most of us know why we celebrate Independence Day--do we?  How about why our flag is red, white and blue?  Or what's in the phrase-"Whistling Dixie?"  Why do we shoot off fireworks?  So many unique historical events surround this holiday. 

Today's Challenge: Plan your July 4 holiday to include a historical quest-understand why fireworks are part of the holiday?  Is there a local event that captures some of the tradition for you to experience. Historical recreations are a great way to create teachable moments for kids. 

Don't just grill your burgers and dogs-make history by understanding it better.

Challenge Issued!

Tuesday: Heathier U: Wagon Pitfalls

This past week while traveling (which I posted on before and didn't reread) I truly had a wheel fall off my eating wagon.
                 Starbucks twice.
                 Big meals.
                Not tracking calorie in-take.
                Skipped exercising
You name it and I failed-my BetterU wasn't good! The scale proved it with my Monday morning weigh-in. The trick to staying healthy is realizing that you are human and you will mess up. The wheel may fall right off your wagon too--don't try to keep riding it broken-get off and fix it.

Today's Challenge: Don't give up working on healthy eating due to a slip-up...examine your meals and get busy playing catch-up and refocusing. This isn't a short-term fix it's a life-time reward.

Challenge Issued!

Monday: Spiritual Challenge--WHOM SHALL I FEAR?

There is a very good Christian song out by Chris Tomlin that states
                 "Whom shall I fear...."
                 "I know who goes before me.."
                 "I know who stands behind..."
                 "The GOD of Angle Armies is always by my side."

Psalms 27:1 says: "The LORD is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear."

Living a totally surrendered life allows us to live without fear. GOD is going before us clearing a path--standing behind us catching us as we may slip and has an army at our call. 

Today's Challenge: Live life without fear! Listen to the Chris Tomlin song and process the fact that HE is always by your side.

Challenge Issued!

Sunday: Embrace the Moments

Whenever a new child is born is never ceases to amaze me how very tiny they are...I truly believe that holding a new born infant is about as close to GOD as we can get on this Earth. There is no way within our own capabilities that we could design or make something so perfect.

As adults, we loose sight of those tiny fingers and tiny toes-even if it's not our kids or we never plan to have any....you still stand amazed if you are truly honest with yourself.

Today's Challenge: Embrace the moments that will never be replaced with your family.  Births, Prom, Graduations, First Break-Ups, etc.  Realize that there are experiences that only come along once in a lifetime and can never be duplicated! Embrace them!

Challenge Issued!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Saturday Challenge: Travel Lesson 101

I used to travel a bunch for work. Now my travel often involves a minivan, DVD player, 3 children and many hours in the car. I'm not the jet hopper I used to be. Summer brings vacation galore of all types so this Organizational Travel Tip should play into any mode or life phase of travel.

If you are going somewhere very rarely do you ever come back with less than you leave with. Souvieners, gifts, extra clothes-all kinds of items get added to your travel bags-so start with space!

Today's Challenge: No busting suitcases! When you pack-leave room-most especially if you are flying. If it's a family trip-pack a empty duffle bag that will fold- up flat. You'll have a bag for extra things you pick up along the way....or if that bags to heave it will be easy to move some weight to the duffle.

Challenge Issued!

Friday Challenge: Think Long-Term

When you have a friend or family member who is going to be around for a long-time by default you should consider the person worth the investment. Even if they might not be "your type" of person. It will be worth the time and investment to find the common denominator and rope them into your world.

Today's Challenge: Evaluate the new peopl in your life-by default-will they be around awhile? Invest and open your heart to a new person.

Challenge Issued!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thursday Challenge: Money vs. Family

Balancing money and family is complicated. I work and always have...I also have been blessed 3 amazing kids. What would have been better-staying home and struggling with finances or working and has less kid time? There are days I wish I was a stay at home mom. Yet I think about no college debt for my kids and the joy we have when we sneak away as a family and have great trips, etc. these things wouldn't be possible unless I worked.

It's a toss up! Always examine your motives...about money! It doesn't make the world rotate. What has driven your budget? Status? Are your resources being used wisely? Is your family suffering?

Today's Challenge: Look at your calendar-make sure #1 is the REAL priority! Do you need to change your budget to match that priority. Work less play more?

Challenge Issued!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday: Staying Fresh!

Policies and procedures change all the time. Computer systems change all the time. Life is about constant change. Only 20% of people understand and embrace change-the rest complain and resist. It's inevitable that it will happen why not find out how to make it happen smoother, faster and more efficient!

Today's Challenge: Whatever change is going on in your life-work, church, school, etc. Embrace it! Don't be the last to see the vision of the future-you just might miss it!

Challenge Issued!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday: Healthier U-Working in your Weakness

If you are a guy--YOU LOVE THE WEIGHTS!
If you are a girl--YOU LOVE THE CARDO!

If we are to combine boy and girl we'd have exercise perfection.  Despite our personal perferences it's important for our bodies to maintain a healthy balance and get cardo and weight training. What's your weakness...will you skip the cardio and jump straight to the machines or never get off the treadmill?

Today's Challenge: Set aside some time to meet with a trainer or someone who is experienced at your weakness and put together a plan that will work for you. It's tough making those jumps into opposite training but with accountability and a plan it will go smooth and you'll enjoy the change-so will your body!

Challenge Issued!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday: Drive Time Prayer

Drawing closer to GOD is an everyday practice...you can't just do it MWF like an aerobics class-you need dedicated time everyday to just visit with HIM and let HIM visit with you.

If you have a morning walk or drive-time this would be the perfect time to turn off the radio--get rid of the distractions and turn your heart to quiet prayer for the 10-30 minutes you will be in the car.  If this isn't an option...consider taking a drive or maybe while you fold laundry in the early mornings...spend the time in prayer-not only will you feel closer to your Maker--you'll be more connected.

Today's Challenge: Spend 10-15 minutes (drive time) in prayer-in silence--no radio just a little conversation with GOD.  Think of a scripture and praise HIM with the words thru-out your prayer.  Get connected with your Maker!

Challenge Issued!

Sunday: Off to the Pool

My husband hates the pool....my kids love the pool.....he loves our kids......so it's off to the pool we went on Sunday evening so enjoy some sun and water.  Despite the heat and tons of people my kids had a blast. My husband ended up enjoying the time with seeing our youngest child have his first pool experience--sliding, gulping some chlorine, and laughing at the jets. Overall, the visit was success.

That night as our children laid down to say their prayers they both thanked GOD for the pool and for mommy and daddy taking them to the pool.  Such a small task but what a major impact.

Today's Family Challenge: Even though it might not be your cup of tea-think about the family activities that would bring great joy to others-PLAN ONE! You'll end up smiling and feeling the joy it brings others.

Challenge Issued!

Saturday Challenge: Unfinished Projects

Sometimes we don't realize how many little things need to be done. Put away the folded laundry; finish spreading the weed killer, clean out the frig...tons of tiny projects that really add up. Today's more OrganizedU challenge will be to get ahead and get the projects done.

Today's Challenge: Identify 2 small unfinished projects and make it happen-get them done within the next 2 days and check them off your list!

Challenge Issued!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday: Understanding Disappointment

People and relationships will disappoint you...break-ups happen, promises get broken, trash doesn't get taken out. There are so many little things between people that can cause disappointment. The decision comes to a head when you are deciding to hold it against someone or realize that it happens-forgive and move on maintaining a relationship with the individual. Remember-no one is above disappointing others. You've probably done it and may not even realize it.

Today's Challenge: Accept that disappointments happen no matter the relationship, forgive and look to the future. Easier said than done...so today's challenge may be tough for some. Pinpoint one key moment this week you've been disappointed.  Release the resentment in your heart and begin to move past it. 

Challenge Issued!
Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never destroys it.
— Eliza Tabor

SmarterU Challenge--History Buff

There are several small holidays and calendar events that happen in the month of June. 
1. Father's Day
2. Flag Day
3. Summer Solstice
As I think about being a smarter and more informed person I realize I don't pay much attention to to the smaller events on the calendar. Father's Day sure--we got the card and gift and by process of elimination I'm guessing that the Summer Solstice has to do with the first official day of Summer.

FLAG DAY?  What's the significance of this holiday?

Today's Challenge: Check out the three small holidays in June listed above and learn exactly what they mean and why they get noticed on the calendar. It'll make you a smarter and more informed U.

Challenge Issued!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday: RicherU--Summer Vacation 2013

Summer vacation should be saved for, enjoyed and affordable!  While planning your summer vacation check out this link-it's the 10 most affordable places to vacation!
Enjoy yourself without the credit card!

Today's Challenge: Check out this link and don't go in debt for summer vacation. Ten of the best and most affordable places to vacation in the US.


Challenge Issued!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday: Physical Challenge--Concession Stand Mania

It's Summer baseball and the popcorn is popping, snow cones flowing, candy plentiful and burgers grilling--all in your local concession stand at the ball field. I have had to remind my family and myself that a bag of chips, snow cone and Airhead is not a suitable dinner.  All summer you have access to concessions stands at the park, pool, drive-in, etc. Enjoy your summer activities and the concession stand in moderation!

Today's Challenge: Eat before heading to the game...not only will it be a healthier meal but you'll not have to miss the winning pitch due to waiting in line.

Challenge Issued!

Monday-Spiritual Challenge: Freedom

Freedom! July 4 around the corner and freedom seems to be a huge topic on my mind. When I think about freedom I think about the many lives who have been sacrificed for my freedom. I have two young cousins in the military now serving our country and ensuring our freedom! So huge the sacrifice...just like the sacrifice of Jesus to guarantee the freedom we have from HELL.

Today's Challenge: Read John 8:36...Stand and marvel at the amazing freedom we have in Christ! Look up two other verses about freedom and soak it in!

Challenge Issued!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sunday Family Challenge: Use Your Words

My husband goes in almost every night and prays with our children. He has them tell GOD they love HIM and are thankful for the blessings HE has given them.  Last night I overheard him with our daughter-go thru the gospel message and do prayers...then he told her good night and was headed out the door.
Turn back around....I had him go back into her room-then tell our daughter he loved her give her hugs and remind her how special she is-Not only does GOD love her so much but Daddy thinks the same thing.  If we as parents or family members don't use our words and tell our children or those important to us these things either the wrong people will or no one will.

Today's Challenge: Use your words to let those who mean the most to you know what you mean to them!

Challenge Issued!

Saturday: OrganizedU--Photo Clean-UP

There is almost 400 picture on my phone! Crazy...about 100 of them are from other people's events where I took them and have never sent them along. Get your pics cleaned up!

Today's Challenge: Allocate an hour or two (for some of you) and clean-up those pictures on your phone. Download to jump drive and print or make a disc and give them to the rightful owner. 

Of course you'll want to save some of your personal photos to show others, but get more organized and get picture savvy.

Challenge Issued!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Relationship Challenge: Hey I'm Single--Now WHAT!

I remember being 28 and single...
       1. No one to answer to-yippie
       2. Spend my money the way I want
       3. Walk around nude if I choose (and you live alone)
       4. No need to consider others when making my choices-it's my life!
AND....What if I never meet Mr. Right or Mrs. Right

It's really not always that easy being single. The biggest challenge is truly not settling and waiting patiently on who GOD made for you!

Today's Challenge: 
     1. If you are single-Pray for your mate-that GOD prepare your heart and theirs.
     2. If you are married-Pray for those that are single. It's has it's tough moments.

Challenge Issued!

RicherU: What Shall I Do When I Grow UP?

There are tons of recent college graduates flooding the market--ready to conquer the world! Over 70% of people aren't doing what they went to college for...very interesting. Today's blog will list the top 10 jobs when taking into consideration-Growth, Personal Satisfaction and Money. Remember, when selecting a career path you need to think forward and be smart.

  1. Biomedical Engineer
  2. Marketing Consultant
  3. Software Architect
  4. Clinical Research Associate
  5. Database Administrator
  1. Financial Adviser
  2. Market Research Analyst
  3. Physical Therapist
  4. Software Developer
  5. Occupational Therapist  

Today's Challenge: When considering a career move...take into consideration all the different factors-family time, company reputation, etc.

If you need more insight visit the CNN Money website and review the article link                          .http://money.cnn.com/pf/best-jobs/2012/snapshots/

Thursday, June 13, 2013

SmarterU Challenge: Balance To be Your Best

Being a SmarterU includes more than just exercising your brain. It also includes making sure you aren't overloading in one segment of your life and enjoying your passions.

Check out this article and accept the SmarterU Challenge!

Today's Challenge: Commit to living a more balanced life--which will result in a Smarter & HappierU!

Challenge Issued!

How to live a balanced lifestyle

[Related article: Healthy eating and living for kids and teenagers]
Nowadays with busy work schedules, overtime work, deadlines, further/extra studies, kids, rising petrol prices, inflation, social obligations, house chores, mortgage repayments, etc, it is getting harder and harder for many people to stay healthy, stress-free and happy. Many of us end up disregarding our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing just to ensure we stay on top of things (or so we think) and that the bills are paid for, our project deadlines are met, our kids go to private schools, etc.

What many people fail to consider is: What is the point of doing all of this if you’re not going to enjoy and live a happy life?
Living a balanced lifestyle is the key to ensuring that you can have time for yourself, your work, your friends, your family and time to enjoy life and the people and things around you. Admittedly, achieving one is easier said than to be done. But if you are discipline and really try to challenge yourself, you will get there and you would never want to look back.
To help you along your journey, I have listed out some simple tips and ways to go about balancing your life, work and commitments.

1. Indulge in yourself
By indulging and taking care of yourself, this can significantly reduce your stress levels and clear your mind so that you’re in a better frame of mind to tackle any issues, problems and unexpected challenges that pop up along the way. Reduction of stress is important as high levels of stress have been shown to significantly impact negatively on one’s mental and emotional health. Hence, as part of a balanced lifestyle, activities that are stress-reducing are important and I have listed out a few ideas to get you started.
  • If you have the money and time, go for a massage or spa to pamper yourself. There is nothing better than having a professional masseuse nut out all the knots on your back and shoulders. You will feel energized and rejuvenated after an hour’s long indulgence.
  • Get up slightly earlier in the morning and take your time to use the bathroom, brush your hair, stretch and apply your make up (if you use make up) before everyone else wakes up. The few extra minutes of quietness in the morning can be extremely therapeutic and relaxing before the day really begins.
  • Savor your breakfast and cup of coffee/tea. If you don’t normally have breakfast, this should be the very first thing you change. Eating breakfast is extremely important as it has health and energy benefits and can help increase concentration and assist in weight loss. So in the morning when you’re eating your food, chew slowly on it, sip your coffee and really appreciate the taste and aroma. Sometimes, it is the simple pleasures in life that can really make the long day ahead seem much more manageable.
  • If you’re time-constrained and your hobbies include things like running, playing angry birds on your iphone, going for a walk, reading a good book, listening to music, knitting, making craft, etc. Do this during your lunch break. If you have something due soon but you feel your brain is fried, take that break (even if it is just for half and hour) and engage in an activity you love. It will give your brain a chance to relax and re-energise so that by the time you hit your work desk again, you would be in a more optimum and efficient mindset to tackle your work.
  • If you absolutely cannot afford to take a 30 min break, lean back on your chair, close your eyes and zone out for 5 – 10 mins. Daydream about positive things such as the amazing dinner you’re going to be having tonight, the dinner you have scheduled to see your best friend or the weekend coming up. Think happy thoughts and when you open your eyes, straighten your posture, smile and get back to work. You will be surprise at how simple things can really boost your energy, approach and motivation.
2. Take care of your body
Since we take time to indulge in ourselves, as part of a balanced lifestyle, we must also take time to care for ourselves. Caring for ourselves and our body involves eating a balanced diet and being active (ie. exercise). Approaching this with a positive can-do attitude will also make things a lot easier, and in combination with these ideas, you will be on your way to achieving a balanced lifestyle in no time.
Eat a Well-Balanced Diet
Remember this phase: “Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness” (Edward Stanley). The reason why eating well is so essential for a balanced lifestyle is because having a balanced diet will ensure that your body is functioning well, you have more energy for your day and you will have a lower chance of falling sick or developing any illnesses/diseases. There are a million and one things that could go wrong if you continuously indulge in an unhealthy diet but it is outside the scope of this article. If you’re interested and would like to read up more on it, I would recommend you to read up on the other articles such as Nutritional & Vitamin deficiency: What is it and how to avoid it and A Balanced Diet: What is it and how to achieve it?
  • Ensure that your home is always stocked with ready to eat fruits and vegetables so you can quickly grab them as you head out of your house to begin your day
  • Plan ahead so you always know roughly what you’re going to be eating for your meals. This reduces the chance of you wanting to have take-away food and unhealthy home deliveries.
  • During your afternoon tea break/5 min break from your work, google some healthy, easy to make recipes. There are a million of recipes out there and looking and the pictures will guarantee not only to relax you, but to also get you pumped and excited to try out your new dish at dinner tonight.
  • 3 meals a day. Especially breakfast. Enough said.
  • Eat in moderation. And this does mean enjoying the occasional cake, KFC meal, Big Mac or pizza delivery when you feel that you have been treating your body right for the majority of the time! Remember, we are not going on a diet; we are aiming to have a lifestyle change which means no strict diets or regime. Just honest good ways to live a little healthier and enjoy a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.
  • Get cooking with the kids. Set aside a day of the week where you get your kids involved in the kitchen. Get creative and make healthy fun meals together. Not only are you making sure that you and your family eats well, but you will be subconsciously passing on the importance of healthy eating to your kids.
  • Don’t follow the crowd: If your workmates or friends around you love to eat fried foods, take-away and unhealthy meals, you don’t have to follow them! Recognise that you can be healthier than the people around you and enjoy looking after yourself.
Exercise is not only a fantastic way to reduce stress, it is great for the waist line, your skin, mental health and ensuring that your bodily functions are at their optimum. If you’re “too busy” for exercise, schedule it like how you will schedule your other work appointments and social events. By committing it down on your calendar, you are more likely to stick with it and be motivated to do it. Make sure that the exercise is something you love to do. So for example, if you don’t like running or hitting the gym, go for a bike ride instead. Or try something new like dancing, zumba, rock climbing, etc. Be creative! There are so many other options out there besides hitting the gym.
3. Prioritise your life
To enjoy a balanced lifestyle, you need to manage all aspects of your life: Work, health, fitness, relationships, family and mental well-being. However, realistically, it can get unbelievably hard to manage all aspects of this and become bogged down with one aspect (ie. work) and ignore the rest (ie. your diet or time spent with your loved ones). Therefore, it is vital that you take some steps and tips to ensure you maintain on top of things so that you can enjoy all areas of your life.
  • Be forward thinking and organized
    Plan and think ahead at the start of each week to assess what events are coming up. Make sure you dedicate adequate time to finishing up your work and assign quality time for yourself; this includes scheduling time for exercise, social events and “Me-time”. A good trick to do is to overestimate the amount of time you need to complete a task (ie. if you realistically think it will take 3 hours to finish a report, estimate that it will take 4 hours instead), this will ensure you have more than enough time to deliver high quality work, spend high quality time with your friends and yourself. If the task/event took lesser time than budgeted, you now have some extra spare time that you can use to either start on the next task, have a break, or catch up with your friends!
  • Expect the unexpected and the worst case scenario
    Things unfortunately do not always go according to plan, and when this happens, many of us end up stressing over it and start doing things that may not be healthy to your body and mental well-being. By expecting the worst case scenario, you can actively take steps to ensure that that scenario doesn’t take place or that you have a Plan B ready should anything go wrong. This is also another reason why overestimating the amount of time you need to complete a task is very useful as it provides you with a time buffer to fix anything should things not work out the way you planned.
4. Be contented and disciplined
When you’re contented, you can actually properly enjoy every moment of your life and savor the things that are important to you. Many people get caught up in the whole materialistic world which can drive them to work more and more hours which consequently impacts negatively on their health, emotional wellbeing, and relationships with their love ones. It is important to distinguish between a want and a need because lets face it, most of the time, we do not really NEED that new BMW car, we just want it for superficial reasons. Again prioritising what is important to you (because everyone is different) is important as you will be able to have a holistic view on what is important and what you need to work and aim for.
As with everything (especially at the start), living a balanced lifestyle can be challenging to achieve as it requires you to change your current lifestyle. Being disciplined and committed is so important in ensuring that you permanently and sustainably having a healthy diet, an exercise routine and enough time for your work, your love ones and yourself. Start off with planning your calendar and diary and make sure you look at it everyday and stick with it. Doing it with a friend that is equally or more motivated is also a great idea as you can both motivate each other and start doing things together (ie. healthy cooking or exercise activities).
5. Do something you find meaningful in your spare time
Happiness comes from achieving a positive sense of wellbeing and achievement, and this can occur from developing relationships with people. When we believe that we have helped another person in a certain way, chemicals in our brain actually react and make us feel good about ourselves in a selfless kind of way. Meaningful ways to spend your time include spending time with your kids learning a new skill (ie. cooking), volunteering at the local dogs shelter or elderly homes, visiting a friend in hospital, going to see your grandparents/parents that you haven’t seen for a while, catching up with a friend that you know is going through a hard time, or assisting the new colleague of yours in finishing up his project. There are countless of meaningful activities that you could be doing and enjoying in your spare time. Remember, the meaning of life is to live a life of purpose and you can only get the most out of your life if you can manage all aspects of your life that are important to you.
I hope this article has been useful to you and all the best!

***Article posted from youroptihealthsite.com

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Physical Challenge: Choose the Fruit

The grocery store aisle boasts of amazing options in the summer...so many fruit choices are flooding the market and taste so good.  The physical challenge today revolves around eating options and trying something new. We recently grilled out and tossed some fresh pineapples slices on the grill...yummy! The pineapple was good and stood on it's own as a great side dish.

Some of the guests said they never would have thought to grill the pineapple and had never even had it before. It was more popular than the burgers...

Today's Challenge: Enjoy the season of fruit...try something you've never had--skip the high calorie cupcakes and dive into the refreshing mango, papayas, melons and berries!  Choose the healthy options.

Challenge Issued!

Spiritual Challenge: TOTAL Surrender

One of my favorite hymns is "I Surrender All"...what powerful words! If we examine our hearts we must determine if we truly are surrender to our Savior.  Have we surrendered--
1. Our hearts--putting HIM first
2. Our time--spending quality time with HIM in study or prayer
3. Our bodies--as HIS temple and maintaining it properly
4. Our everything....this list could go on and on...but we have to truly surrender all things to GOD-the peace and joy that will be experienced with true surrender with take you to new heights spiritually.

Today's Challenge:  Examine your schedule and heart--have you Surrendered IT ALL!  If not consider today your new starting point and accept this challenge!  Accept Christ and the relationship you can have with HIM and the joy and  peace that will follow!

Challenge Issued!

Family Challenge: Take A WALK!

Scheduled family time is critical in building relationships. It doesn't have to be big just make it happen.

Today's Challenge:  Implement a walk once a week to explore, talk, teach your kids or other family members about being healthy and exercising.  Just walk the block-no phone will ring-no alarm will sound-it is just what you need to help build those relationships!

Challenge Issued!

Saturday: 30 Minutes-What a Difference

Blog readers...so sorry for my delays...as ya'll know life gets in the way-so today I'll catch up on Challenges and get back on track!

This upcoming week my husband will be gone and I've tried to figure out how I can make life happen with ballgames, gymnastics a 2-year old, and work-WOW! What's harder to believe is that I have a friend who's schedule is 3 times as hard as mine. I reworked my board to include meal and event columns and when I turned around from my 15 minutes of planning the toy bomb went off in my house.

The entire week would be a crazy mess unless I stayed on top of my housework at least a little.  Soooo...for all those busy weeks-here's your challenge.

This Week's Organizational Challenge:  Spend 30 minutes each day picking up the little messes.  Making this happen each day won't clean the entire house but it will at least help you stay  on top of things till time allows for more!

Challenge Issued!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Shhhh! It's a Secret!

Trust is one of the most crucial elements in a relationship. Whether it's a friend, spouse, teenager or whomever when they ask you to keep it to yourself-You should! It's tough to rebuild that bridge of trust once it's been torn down-so just Shhhh! Keep it to yourself-when you find someone who does-they are your true friend!

Even if it doesn't seem like a big deal to you it is to someone else!

Today's Challenge: Be confidential! Be the one that others can trust and keep it to yourself!

Challenge Issued!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

RicherU: It's Never To Early to Plan for Retirement

The earlier you start the better...whether you are running a race, starting your day or planning/saving for your retirement. The gray hair of retirement days will sneak up on you sooner than you think. It often appears that you aren't making much progress but remember this is a Tortise running the race so slow and steady will win big.

Today's Challenge: Read the email note from Dave Ramsey about retirement blues and know there is a beautiful silver lining to your retirement blues! Get a plan and start as soon as possible.

Shake Off Your
Retirement Blues

Since responsible and successful investing takes years to see results, it's easy to feel like you're not making any progress. Don't be discouraged. Read why.
Retirement investing is a long-term endeavor. And, as is true with almost anything that takes many years to see results, it's easy to feel like you're not making any progress toward your goal, especially in the early years.

Don't be discouraged. We're about to show you how to shake off those retirement blues with a long-term retirement investing plan that will pay off the closer you get to retirement.
How Money Grows
In long-term investing, your interest, or your investment growth in the case of mutual funds, compounds over time. The growth of that growth is the secret ingredient for successful retirement investing.

Take a look at this chart. It shows the growth of a mutual fund investor who invests $7,500 a year for 30 years. He's chosen good growth stock mutual funds with a history of great performance, so he will average 12%—the same as the long-term growth rate of the stock market as a whole. His goal is to have $2 million by the time he retires.

Will he meet his goal?

After 10 years of investing, his balance is a little more than $145,000. He's used up a third of his time, but he's only saved 7% of his goal.

But our investor keeps his nose to the grindstone, and 20 years after he started investing, his balance is almost $625,000. Not bad, but still less than a third of his goal—and he only has 10 years left!

Would you believe he's only four years away from having $1 million?

In the last six years of investing, our example investor's retirement fund will double to $2,206,000! That's the power of compound interest and disciplined investing.

What Does It Mean for Your Retirement?
Our example highlights two important facts:
  1. The earlier you begin investing, the better. If our investor only had 20 years until retirement, he could not have reached his $2 million goal without quadrupling the amount he invested each month.
  2. A solid plan and the commitment to stick to it are essential. Even in the early years when it looked like our investor couldn't possibly reach his goal, he didn't panic. He had a plan he knew would work if he would only stick with it year after year.
Get Professional Advice for a Plan That Will Last
If you don't yet have a retirement plan, don't put it off any longer. An experienced investing advisor can help you set a retirement savings goal and show you how to get started on your long-term plan.

Dave's investing Endorsed Local Providers (ELPs) are trustworthy experts who will answer your questions about retirement investing and help you stick to your plan for the long haul.

Find your ELP today!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

SmarterU Challenge: Enroll Today!

I hope readers have enjoyed the month on Leadership Challenges...getting nuggets of wisdom from those who are leading top companies and and our nation will make a SmarterU!  Continuing education is a key factor in learning and exploring the world around you.  Branch out and make the move to enroll in a class-whether it art, history, yoga.  Just do it! Be a SmarterU by committing yourself to higher education.

Today's Challenge: Check out your local colleges, your community centers and see what classes they are offering this summer and choose one and enroll.  

Challenge Issued!

Physical Challenge: Importance of REST!

This past weekend was incredibly busy. I think I only slept a total of 10 hours between Friday and Saturday night. We had jam-packed days and we were exhausted as a family. On Monday around 11:30 my cell phone rang and it was our daycare calling. My son was running a fever and had a headache. I picked him gave him some meds and he rested at the house for the rest of the day.

"Why?" am I telling you this little story...because I truly believe my son was just tired. His body was spent and he needed the downtime. It happens to all of us no matter the age. I truly believe that if you aren't getting enough sleep it will take it toll on your entire being.

Below are six reason not to scrimp on sleep published by Harvard Women's Health Watch.

The Harvard Women’s Health Watch suggests six reasons to get enough sleep:
  1. Learning and memory: Sleep helps the brain commit new information to memory through a process called memory consolidation. In studies, people who’d slept after learning a task did better on tests later.
  2. Metabolism and weight: Chronic sleep deprivation may cause weight gain by affecting the way our bodies process and store carbohydrates, and by altering levels of hormones that affect our appetite.
  3. Safety: Sleep debt contributes to a greater tendency to fall asleep during the daytime. These lapses may cause falls and mistakes such as medical errors, air traffic mishaps, and road accidents.
  4. Mood: Sleep loss may result in irritability, impatience, inability to concentrate, and moodiness. Too little sleep can also leave you too tired to do the things you like to do.
  5. Cardiovascular health: Serious sleep disorders have been linked to hypertension, increased stress hormone levels, and irregular heartbeat.
  6. Disease: Sleep deprivation alters immune function, including the activity of the body’s killer cells. Keeping up with sleep may also help fight cancer.
Today's  Challenge: Evaluate your sleep habits and be discipline to go to set a regular bedtime and stick to it! The benefits are huge on your overall health! Work to get 6-8 hours of solid rest.

Challenge Issued!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Spiritual Challenge: Are You Breathing!

When you rise in the morning...what are your first thoughts or what are you saying with your first words?
1.  Where's the coffee?
2.  Is that the cat or the kids?
3.  Seriously honey?
4.  Shut that thing off--still dreaming?
5.  Amazing I made it thru the night?
I am breathing--let me praise you LORD!

Today's Challenge:  Live out Psalms 150:6..."Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the LORD."  Make your first breath each morning count--Praise the one who gave it to U!

Challenge Issued!

Family Challenge: Trading Places

As the parent or wife or sister--I don't always take the time to step into the other person's shoes and adjust my view. How often do you tell your kids to clean their room and you see 20 minutes of mess--they see 2 hours of mess and feel overwhelmed.  What about listening to your sick mom on the phone receiver or a worried cousin...are you taking the time to really see if from their side?

Today's Challenge: Step out of your shoes and open your eyes wider...listen to your family members challenges and Trade Places...get on your kids level and see the room from 36 inches.  Add 30 years to your life and consider what having a head cold for 2 weeks feels like then.  TRADE PLACES!

Challenge Issued!

Saturday--Organizational Challenges: Last Minute Worries

Most people will have some camp, mission trip or conference to attend at some point in time this summer or during the year.  This challenge will help you be mindful that the "Needs List" can be more than you expect so don't be the last minute reader.

My 5-year-old daughter is taking her first trip to day-camp and like a good mom I want to make sure she has EVERYTHING she may remotely needs. She'll be at camp from 9:00 to 4:00 each day and home at night.  When I pulled up the email that detailed all the items she needed I was sent into scramble mode--yikes...special pool shoes and bedding--let's do laundry and make a trip to the store at 9:00pm.

Lesson learned!

Today's Challenge: Read all those "Needs List" one week in advance.  Give yourself plenty of time to make all necessary purchases and adjust if need be--you'll be a more OrganizeU!

Challenge Issued!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Relationship Challenge: SupportiveU

Many times you may not know what's on the heart or mind of a friend or family member...and they may not express the emotions and desires you would over a situation. It's difficult to always understand why they sometimes make the choices they do or choose a certain path to travel however being supportive is what we are called to do.

Don't mistake this challenge with someone harming themself...I don't mean be supportive of dangerous habits and behaviors but be the ear to listen and shoulder to cry on and sometimes the person to push them on even if you don't always get it! We are not here to fix but support.

Today's Challenge: Reach out to someone and encourage them. Be supportive in some way-you may not even realize how much it will mean!

Challenge Issued!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

RicherU: Spending Wisely...Ask?

No matter what area of your life you should have an accountability partner...whether spiritual, physically, or in your spending...YES...in your spending. The concept of 'it's my money-I'll spend it the way I want' is the wrong direction to financial success.

Budgeting is difficult and sticking to it is even harder.  This is why an accountability partner is so important. Choose wisely when you are opening your finances to someone else. If you are married that partner should be your spouse and if ya'll both struggle with managing money seek our a financial counselor your pastor. If you are single--it's probably not your best friend that you party or shop with.  You may choose an older aunt, uncle or co-worker to help you stay financial focused.

Today's Challenge: Choose your financial accountability partner-set a date and time to meet with them and give them your long-term financial goals. Be honest about your budget and see their advice before making a large purchase.

Challenge Issued!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

SmarterU Challenge: Last Leadership Lesson-Ditch the Negative

One of the key attributes of a leader is a positive attitude! You must remove the negative from your life. Your thoughts, actions, words, and outside influences should all be positive. Will there still be negative moments-yes, but your reaction doesn't have to be. Leaders see the glass 1/2 full and then finish filling it for their team.

Are you a Leader?

Today's Challenge: Ditch the negative and become the leader you were made to be!  Your thinking and reactions are what will set you apart and help you rise to the top.

Challenge Issued!

Physical Challenge: Summer Fun in the Sun

My kids have asked about 10 times each day it's is POOL DAY...I think it's still a little chilly for pool with the Kansas winds lately however, we'll be spending many hours at the pool enjoying summer.  One of the most concerning issues for me is the sun. Getting  a little sun is ok but drenching yourself in the rays and becoming a golden goddess isn't healthy.

I've heard all the antics...
       "I'd rather have tanned fat than white fat"--to that I say-"Don't be fat"
       "I'm prettier with a tan & more attractive"--to that I say-"God made you beautiful in the skin your in"
       "It's relaxing"--to that I say "So it shouldn't change if you are under an umbrella"

Today's Blog will hopefully encourage and motivate you to be a HealthierU when it comes to the sun. According to the American Cancer Society, skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. It accounts for nearly half of all cancer in the US.  For more information please see the link below.


Today's Challenge: Enjoy the sun and summer: Use sunscreen and don't bake--it's not worth it!

Challenge Issued!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Spiritual Challenge: Who's Right?

I think 80% of the time when I argue I am right-Don't you?  Would we be arguing if we dug deeper and looked inside our hearts?  Did Jesus argue a lot? He was always right but rarely argued! Let's even look at Pilate who was instrumental in crucifying Christ...he told the Jewish people he found no fault in Jesus and washed his hands...he was arguing that Jesus should live. He was right yet sent Jesus to the cross anyway.

I give you these examples to make you think about what is right or wrong. Where and how can we determine if we are right?

Today's Challenge: Read Proverbs 21:2-if you think your right-look deeper inside your heart and weigh things there!

Challenge Issued!

Family Entertainment: Time Investment

Almost two years ago we bought our kids a small trampoline at Christmas. It has been in the box till yesterday. Finally my husband got it out and spend hours putting it together for our kids. It was worth it! The jumped till their little legs were tired. They had soooo much fun. My husband, however, spent about 5 hours putting it together. Wow! What a project. As the day went on-he called me outside several times to watch out kids wrestling, dance and do tricks on the trampoline. He beamed at how cute they were. I think he would say he invested his time well in this family project!

Today's Challenge: What's your family project? Something that may require a serious time investment from you? Finish the scrapbook, framing pictures, maybe taking pictures. Put it all your calendar and make it happen! It will be worth it!

Challenge Issued!

Saturday: Back Pack Blues

Summer is here for most and backpacks have been emptied and hung up for the summer. I have a preschooler and when I dumped her backpack out I was shocked at the school supplies that came home. Markers, water paints, glue--all kinds of things that were still in great shape. I know this is probably a rare year that I will get stuff back but yippie!

Today's Challenge: If you haven't dumped the backpack yet...please do and examine the items inside. Any school supplies? Save it to fill next year list or donate it to a local Children's center. Be sure to check out the notes...no telling what's listed there and determine if the backpack is reusable. Be thrifty and clean!

Challenge Issued!

Relationship Challenge: Sounds of Laughter

My mom once told me the best sound in the world was hearing her children laugh. My mom was right. I can just sit in awe of the sweet sounds of my children laugh. If children aren't in your life yet...just wait.

Today's Challenge: Embrace the moments and relationships with your kids...no matter the ages! Today tell your kids one thing you love about them and be their cheerleader!

Challenge Issued!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Facebook and Money: Note from Dave Ramsey

We can waste some major time on Facebook but it can also hold great keys to saving money.  Today's Challenge comes from Dave Ramsey's blog post a few days ago regarding what you can learn from Facebook about money....

So read the blog post below...then continue on to the challenge

Today's Challenge: When buying something comparative shop on Facebook--there's lots of BUY SALE and TRADE options now on Facebook and the ads can help you get more bang for your buck--Remember it's a tool not a Time-Waster!

5 Things Facebook Can Teach You About Money


Facebook. You either love it or you hate it. Or you hate it. Or you really hate it.
Really, Facebook’s not all that bad, but you have to learn to take it (or your “friends” who are on it) with a grain of salt.
Yeah, you might think it’s one big time-waster—and it can definitely be that—but you can actually learn a lot of life lessons from Facebook.
It’s true. For example, did you know that Facebook can teach a lot of great lessons about handling money?
Don’t believe us? See if this makes you change your mind.

The Comparison Trap.

Sally just posted about her trip to Cancun. Mark just gloated about his awesome raise at work. Paul just posted a photo of his new BMW (probably leased). Everyone’s life is so perfect, isn’t it?
Actually, no, it’s not.
When it comes to life and money, remember that everyone’s Facebook version of themselves is always better than their actual life. We all want to show off or exaggerate the “better” part of our lives. On Facebook, that’s where the comparison trap comes into play. Be comfortable in your own skin.

You won’t like everything.

We’re talking about getting out of debt here. Or consistently investing each month. Like those annoying over-the-top political posts on Facebook, your experience getting out of debt and socking away a good chunk of change each year won’t always be fun. You might not want to press the “like” button every morning.
You’ll have to make sacrifices. You’ll have to spend less. You’ll have to be disciplined. That might not always be exciting, but it’s worth it.

Surround yourself with positive people.

When you have annoying “friends” on Facebook, what do you do? You either unfriend them or hide them from your feed, right?
If you’ve got a bunch of haters in your life and you’re surrounded by a bunch of so-called friends who make fun of you for trying to get out of debt, then you need to dump them like a bad habit. If they can’t respect your decision, then you don’t need to be around their negativity. Take a break from those “friends.”

Other people will be happy to spend your money.

Look over to the right side of your Facebook page. Ever notice those ads? Those people would love nothing more than for you to click on their link and buy something from them.
That’s advertising, and there’s nothing wrong with it. But when it comes to your precious dollars, you have to choose which, if any, marketing voices you will listen to. If you don’t come up with a game plan for your money, those companies will.

The buck(s) stop with you.

Your Facebook profile is what you make of it. Nothing gets on there without you clicking the Submit” or Upload button. If you upload a picture of yourself drunk and passed out, you only have yourself to blame. If you write a mean-spirited status update that ends up going viral, you only have yourself to blame.
With your life and money, you reap what you sow. If you continue to make bad choices with your money, those decisions will eventually catch up with you.
Are you getting the theme here? You are in control. And there’s no better way to control your money than creating and living on a budget. When you name every dollar coming in and going out, you’re in the driver’s seat. And it’s just not that hard to get started. Use Dave’s online Gazelle Budget free for seven days. It’s one of the best choices you’ll ever make with your money.
What has Facebook taught you about money—or anything else?

SmarterU: Leadership Vision

Wikipedia defines Leadership as follows:  

Leadership has been described as “a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task".[1] Other in-depth definitions of leadership have also emerged.
Leadership is "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal". The leader may or may not have any formal authority.  Somebody whom people follow: somebody who guides or directs others.
One of the greatest vision casting moments came when Martin Luther King delivered one of the most memorable speeches in history--"I have a dream...." This speech pierced hearts and sparked a fire that still burns in the hearts of the American people regarding equality for all. 
It drove passion for a common purpose...and that's what vision casting is about. Generating passion for a group of people with a common task in mind. Whether your a mom and your goal is to get the house clean, a pastor launching a new ministry or a business leader driving profit or a new product you have to focus on casting the vision and getting your team to ride the wave. 

Today's Challenge:  Define your vision--whether it's personal or professional--before you can cast you must know what you are passionate about and why.

Challenge Issued!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Healthier U: 6 Days Straight

Whether you are forming fitness habits or trying to loose weight it's difficult to find time to work out everyday of the week.  I have noticed that I even struggle getting in 4 days some weeks...Remember your workout needs to be intense enough to burn calories and getting you moving more so you work different body areas.  Most fitness gurus and personal trainers recommend at least 3 days of workouts. In today's challenge it will push you to make something happen six--just one day of rest...It doesn't have to be an extreme 10 mile run but spend at least 30 minutes for six days straight increasing your physical activity.

Today's Challenge: Work out/Move more for 6 straight days--don't skip a day. This practice will help you form healthy habits and get you motivated to know that you CAN DO IT!

Challenge Issued!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday: Spiritual Challenge: The Feel of Greatness!

I know there are tons of night owls in the world and mornings aren't always easy but I am convinced this morning I felt GREATNESS...and U should experience it too....

I got up early at 5:30 and began my run at 5:45--I had 4 miles to get in this morning and the sun wasn't up yet as I started. It was a very cool morning and the birds were singing praises.  As I was nearing the end of my run I begin to feel the sunrise on my cheek...and it was just like GOD giving me a hug and kiss and reassuring me that I was HIS--It was an amazing opportunity for me to feel the GREATNESS and majesty of GOD.

Today's or Tomorrow Morning Challenge:  Get up and feel his greatness...take a walk as the sunrises and let him kiss your cheek and remind U--you are HIS!

Family Challenge: Do Something Crazy!

While driving home my kids got into a fight in the back seat. I told my daughter I was disappointed in her sctions and that it was selfish. She began to cry and then I told her the punishment for her actions...she and my son were going to have to kiss and hug and dance in the rain together as soon as we got home! They both giggled and asked if I was serious...I said yes and then my son said you do it too mommy...heck why not you only live once!

Today's Challenge: Do something crazy and unexpected with your kids--dance in the rain/make mud pies/catch fire flies! Life is too short!

Challenge Issued!

School's Out!

Most students will finish school within 7 days of this post and packing up the dorm or cleaning out the locker is always a mess...for those of us staying on top of those tiny chores and keeping up with extra people home more will require more of your time and energy. Involve your students in your week planning, point out the extra things that will need to be done-you may get some volunteers.

Today's Challenge: Think thru the changes of having kids out and plan. Lunch may need to be served at home now. What can they do during the day instead of sit in front of the TV. Encourage the to volunteer, etc. Ready yourself and them for a summer of productive fun.

Challenge Issued!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Relationship Challenge: Take A Walk

We underestimate the impact 30 minutes can have on our relationships. Sometimes our schedules don't allow for a two hour visit so we don't bother trying to work time in for others.  Whether its a spouse, friend, child or grandparent 30 minutes makes a difference.

Today's Challenge: Set aside 30 minutes and take a walk with someone. No phones or music-just ya'll taking a short walk enjoying time together.

Challenge Issued!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

RicherU: Being Smart about your Credit

Every year we get a free credit report to monitor the activity and to make sure there aren't any false purchases/reports.  You can get one free report from each of the three major credit reporting services so requesting them is easy and can save you a lot in the long run.

Today's Financial Challenge:  Request your free credit report. Don't delay because you don't know what could be lurking in the corners of your social security number.

Challenge Issued!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

SmarterU Challenge: Great Advice From TOP LEADERS

According to an article in Forbes Magazine regarding leadership advice it stated,"...some of the most accomplished people in business suggest that good advice was the secret to their success."  Good advice can redirect your path and change your perspective as a leader.  The link listed below touches on the advice some top leaders received and have shared.

Today's Challenge:  Check out the link below and read thru some of the advice given.  Be a leader that cherishes the words of others and puts into practice good advice. 


Challenge Issued!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Forming Fitness Habits--21 Day Challenge

Old habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to start...but you must start somewhere in order to be a BetterU!  Let's talk about forming those new habits....we've listed several great challenges for a more HealthyU: Drinking your water, counting calories, implementing a meatless meal, exchanging sugary snacks for a fruit, making breakfast a priority.  All of these healthy changes must start and continue to make a long lasting difference in your overall health.

Hopefully this blog has stretched your thinking and opened your eyes to the benefits of being a person who keeps a healthy lifestyle as a priority. It's not so hard doing something for one day but how about for a consistent 21 days. Most experts state that it takes 21 days to form a habit and then it becomes part of your routine.

Today's Challenge: Pick your one healthy change challenge and implement it for 21 days.  Starting with 30 minutes of daily exercise/drinking your water/calorie counting would be the easiest of the challenges to change into a habit. It doesn't matter which HealthierU Challenge you pick--just focus on implementing it for 21 days--at that point it should be a new habit formed to help you be a BetterU!

Challenge Issued!

PS--It's only 21 days--you can do it. One thing for 21 days!

Spiritual Challenge: How are U Starting Your Day?

My mornings often start with me feeding animals, making coffee and checking what happened on Facebook last night. There are some mornings my day will start with a run or a trip to the gym.

 I must say that the best days I have start with me sitting at my desk downstairs or my kitchen table and give the first 30 minutes to God. It puts the whole day into perspective and fuels me spiritually. Often if I'm not in the middle of teaching/leading a bible study I'll map out other things to do with my morning...however today's challenge should stop you in your tracks and help you to remember where to start your mornings!

Today's Challenge: Read Mark 1:35...this one verse sums up how Jesus started his day and so should we.

Challenge Issued!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Family Challenge: Review the Tube!

As a society we have become very desensitized to the television. We watch Disney which has absentee parents letting a nanny raise their kids, kisses between Austin and Alley and a few questionable cartoons. But when it hits the big screen we read the views and check the violence level but rarely do we review the violence on our own screen in the cinema of our living room.

Kids are only suppose to watch an hour of tv per day. Most televisions are on all day with little break.

Today's Challenge: Limit the number of hours a child can watch t.v. Review the shows or at least watch with them so you can discuss any issues that may come up.

Challenge Issued!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

More OrganizedU: DVD Mania

We have about 75 empty DVD cases in the shelf in our living room...why? Where are the movies? Do they even work or are they old and scratched?  Geez... What a mess and a waste if space. If I have that problem I'm sure there are others who could use a movie revival.

Today's Challenges: Clean the movie cabinet up...throw away old boxes and put the movies in one large holder or sell them-make some cash!  Maybe some need to be retired or donated. Be a more OrganizedU!

Challenge Issued!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mom Reminder....

Today's Challenge focuses on the relationship you have with a mom. Not just your mom but others. Unfortunately your mom maybe gone or due to circumstances difficult for you to celebrate with...however, celebrate the relationship of motherhood. If you see a mom carrying groceries carry them for her. Hold the door open, compliment her parenting skillls. Remember all the moms who have made a difference in your life.

Today's Challenge: Look for a special way to encourage a mom in your life. It doesn't have to be your mom... Just one whom you see her sacrifice and no she's trying.

Challenge Issued!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Summer Fun while Saving Cash

In a few short weeks the kids will be home for the summer...Yahoo!  Sometimes summer fun can be limited by the summer budget. Camps and vacations can get expensive...Below are some summer activities that you can do with your kids that is free or very cheap.

Today's Challenge: Create/Choose a kid-friendly free summer activity from the list below and enjoy the summer with your kids...You don't have to always spend a ton of money to make your summer a success!

Summer Fun Activities
Plan a Family Picnic
Visit the Library 
Camp in the Backyard
Create a Backyard WaterPark with your water hose and playset
Plan a Scavenger Hunt
Make Music: Old buckets and pots, spoons and create a symphony
Make a map of the neighborhood as you walk it together
Conduct simple experiments--baking soda, eggs, all kids of average kitchen items
Put on a Play--go ahead and dress up! 
Visit a local zoo-most are free and a nearby park is usually close for playtime

Challenge Issued!