Thursday, May 9, 2013

Summer Fun while Saving Cash

In a few short weeks the kids will be home for the summer...Yahoo!  Sometimes summer fun can be limited by the summer budget. Camps and vacations can get expensive...Below are some summer activities that you can do with your kids that is free or very cheap.

Today's Challenge: Create/Choose a kid-friendly free summer activity from the list below and enjoy the summer with your kids...You don't have to always spend a ton of money to make your summer a success!

Summer Fun Activities
Plan a Family Picnic
Visit the Library 
Camp in the Backyard
Create a Backyard WaterPark with your water hose and playset
Plan a Scavenger Hunt
Make Music: Old buckets and pots, spoons and create a symphony
Make a map of the neighborhood as you walk it together
Conduct simple experiments--baking soda, eggs, all kids of average kitchen items
Put on a Play--go ahead and dress up! 
Visit a local zoo-most are free and a nearby park is usually close for playtime

Challenge Issued!

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