Monday, December 31, 2012

Make a BetterU in 2013!

2013 is right around the corner and over the past year one of the things I've heard the most is...."I'm just not motivated..."! Make 2013 different. Don't do the same thing again. BetterU365Challenge is here to be your motivation.

The purpose of this blogspot/Facebook/Tweets is just to motivate you to be a BetterU and have a more fulfilling life focusing on 7 key areas.
1. Family 
2. Spiritual
3. Physical
4. Educational
5. Financial
6. Relationships
7. Organization

Each area will be assigned a day of the week with a daily challenge. So don't worry it won't be 7 things you do each day-Just one! For example-Sunday is Family-so on Sunday there will be a challenge issued for you to complete which will involve your family or a family member.

By stepping up to the plate, accepting the daily challenge and completing it you'll feel motivated to continue making positive changes in your life and others. Remember this is all about becoming a BetterU! Ready for your first challenge?