Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Challenge 2: Be a Smarter U!

I truly believe that readers are leaders! So today your challenge is two-fold. First research the year you were born. There are several websites that give you a snapshot of the events that happened in a year. Was there a fiscal cliff our nation was dangling from? Or did someone famous fall off one? What was the hottest trends and music? An amazing thing happened that year-You were born so what was it like on your Day 1 when you entered this big world?

Second, choose a book to read. Don't start it yet-just pick one out. Read a book about something that really happened or a self-help book. No fiction! Choose a 12-15 chapter book that's an easy read--not a 50 chapter theology book that you will struggle to finish. If you have a difficult time choosing today. I'll post some of my favorites tonight. Don't feel like you need to buy a new book-re-read a classic from your shelf.

Challenge Issue!

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