Monday, February 25, 2013

Reaching the World One Driveway At A Time!

Mondays are challenges to make you a BetterU God is using 5 students to reach the world for Him one driveway at a time. Early this morning we got a text from one of the local college students going on a mission trip this summer to Uraguay. They are shoveling driveways for a free-will donation.

One of their leaders told us that Uraguay has atheism written into it's constitution. Christianity hasn't really flourished in this country and part of their goal is to evaluate the area for future mission trips. They are the first mission team being sent by Global Infusion. Wow! What an awesome opportunity to be one if the first teams to tell this country about the amazing love of Jesus.

They have to raise 75% of the needed funds by March 15...they are sitting at only 20% right now. They were ready to shovel driveways for Jesus in a mighty way. It's cold, windy, and still snowing but they were ready to go and keep moving motivated by their desire to share Christ with the world.

Today's Challenge: Spend some time today in prayer for the missionaries in other countries or in the United States. Think and Pray for these mission teams and the hardwork it takes raising funds and preparing to go...not to mention when they get their and have to put into action all they have prepared for! Let's pray God use them in a mighty way-Pray God use you in mighty way in you own mission field.

Challenge Issued!

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