Back to school shopping can be crazy expensive. We have a Preschooler and Kindergartener and we spent almost $80 on school supplies-Holy Moly! As we were going thru the process, I thought about the families who may have 3 or 4 kids in school and my heart went out to them...knowing that finances can come into play and there not be enough green to go around. I tried to come up with some tricks to save some BTS cash.
1. Don't buy name brand--go with the generic or off-brand-let's face it-Colors are colors.
2. Reuse-are 3-ring binders really worth replacing? Just use last year.
3. Comparative shop-find the sale papers and places like Wal-Mart will match competitor pricing.
4. Check out the thrift shop-BTS brings generous back-pack donations, etc.
5. Do group SAM's or Costco runs...get a group of mom's together and buy in bulk then split the
cost. Buying in bulk always saves!
Today's Challenge: Implement one cost-saving measure! Don't get the back to school money blues--get cash cues and save!
Challenge Issued!
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