Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saturday-Two Chipmunk Songs

As I zone out and watch college football I hear my children downstairs singing an Alvin and The Chipmunks song. If only I could clean and organize as fast as they sing....well, lets try to beat the music.

Today's Challenge: Turn on a chipmunk song or something really fast and upbeat-do a quick clean to the music. Maybe do a fun dance with your kids as you help with their room or do the bathroom (a small room). Use the music as your timer. Make it fun!

Challenge Issued!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Relationship Challenge: Invest Wisely

Relationships are all unique. One week "Joe" is your best friend then the next week "Joe" acts like he barely knows you. Sometimes you need to do an honest evaluation of your friends and decide if they are worth your time...investing in others is a painful challenge-so choose wisely your investments.

Today's Challenge: Evaluate your relationships and consider the investment. Don't be afraid to close the friend account or pour it all in...

Challenge Issued!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday Challenge: Something Random

Yes...I am remaining behind which makes me sad and concerned however, this entire blog is suppose to be about being a BetterU365 days. Never resting from positive reinforcement and striving to impact others with grace, love and good.

However, it's tough to pour yourself out when your inside is empty. Is your heart and soul empty? Are you struggling to be a BetterU? Are you just struggling to make the next decision.

Today's Challenge: Remember those who have poured themselves out for you. Don't let hate, sadness, depression fill you up. It would be better to remain empty. Instead be filled with the beauty and love in life.

Challenge Issued!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Monday: Spiritual Strong

Have you been hitting the gym of JESUS lately?  Or are you missing the workouts He's prepared in advance for you?

Challenge: Read Joshua 1:1-9...Theses few verses tell us to be strong and can we do that if we aren't working our spiritual muscles to be strong! Get grounded!  Choose a workout plan that works and get started.
       1. scripture memory
       2. daily devotional
       3. private/personal worship
      4. accountability
These are all aspects that your workout should include. Evaluate your spiritual health and get started. Let the verses in Joshua encourage you that GOD wants us to be strong and courageous, but we still have to prepare.

Challenge Issued!

Sunday: Family Treasures

Recently, I bought a necklace that has all my children's birthstones in it and has a little charm that says family. I adoringly put it on and wore it several times last week. Each time I saw it in the mirror at the bathroom or car I would whisper a little prayer from my kids.

Today's Challenge: Choose a family treasure that reminds you of several family members... wear it or put it where you will see it several times...not a picture but maybe artwork or a shoe, etc. Make a point to pray for family member each time you see it! The real challenge is remember what is the treasure-it's not the stuff but those behind the stuff that is the treasure!

Challenge Issued!

Saturday: BED CHECK

There is a mystery that looms in house and it's under the children's bed...we see all kinds of crazy stuff come out from underneath the bed.

Today's Challenge: Be a more organized and clean you and do the BED CHECK for all your rooms.

Challenge Issued!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Friday: Relationship Demands

No matter the relationship there are always demands...
 I demand my children help clean their rooms
 I demand my husband stay loyal
 I demand my dogs stay in the yard
Even though we play demands on others-those demands aren't always met.
 My children to not always help clean their room
 Husbands and wives don't always remain loyal
 My dogs get out!

What are your demands? Evaluate them.  Are they too much? When people fail to meet the demands we have placed on them-where does it leave you? Heart-broken?

Today's Challenge:  Think thru the demands you've placed on others-maybe they are simple and maybe they are hard-should you re-think them?  Have you correctly expressed them and is there a clear understanding of what you are asking? Eliminate at least one demand you've placed on someone close. It may just be the difference in your heartbreak.

Challenge Issued!

Thursday: Back to School BUCKS!

Back to school shopping can be crazy expensive. We have a Preschooler and Kindergartener and we spent almost $80 on school supplies-Holy Moly! As we were going thru the process, I thought about the families who may have 3 or 4 kids in school and my heart went out to them...knowing that finances can come into play and there not be enough green to go around. I tried to come up with some tricks to save some BTS cash.

1. Don't buy name brand--go with the generic or off-brand-let's face it-Colors are colors.
2. Reuse-are 3-ring binders really worth replacing? Just use last year.
3. Comparative shop-find the sale papers and places like Wal-Mart will match competitor pricing.
4. Check out the thrift shop-BTS brings generous back-pack donations, etc.
5. Do group SAM's or Costco runs...get a group of mom's together and buy in bulk then split the
    cost.  Buying in bulk always saves!

Today's Challenge: Implement one cost-saving measure! Don't get the back to school money blues--get cash cues and save!

Challenge Issued!

Wednesday: SmarterU...Think Twice-Develop a PPP!

Usually, SmarterU post are about educating yourself...this one is a little different...

While running early in the morning, I pass a lot of people I don't know. Some in cars, other runners or walkers, a few bike riders-there's really a large group of people who are up early exercising in our small community. However, I don't know them all-especially those I may run past in cars. They see me with my music blaring and sweat pouring and I am paying little attention to the world around me
...or AM I?
Do you have a PPP?

Today Challenge: THINK TWICE-Have a Personal Protection Plan thought thru for different circumstances. You never what crazy person maybe lurking around the corner. Take different routes when exercising.  Know where exits are in a gym. Should you run with Mace?

Don't think that no one is watching-because people are-life is to short to not to Think Twice and have a PPP in place. Teach your children a PPP. Be a SMARTERU and be prepared!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Tuesday: Setting Long-Range Goals

It's tough at times when the scale stops moving or your exercise plan gets off course to maintain motivation. This is where long-range goals can be the spark to keep your eyes on the prize. Most people don't think in 5 years I want my physical fitness state to be....but we should. Your health goals shod at least look 3 years down the road not just 30 minutes to lunch.

Today's Challenge: Set some long- term (at least 3 years) physical fitness goals! Write them down and put them in a place you'll see at least weekly. This  challenge souls be just what you need to conquer the slow periods and get on track!

Challenge Issued!