"Falling in love is not a choice. To stay in love is."
According to DivorceRate.com the United States ranks 6th in the highest divorce rate among countries. WOW! Land of the free-home of opportunity and top 10 in divorces. This is a pretty sad statistic. Just recently I visited with a young girl who was contemplating moving in with her boyfriend. They have hopes of getting married in the next few years but wanted to make sure they were compatible. I almost feel off my rocker! Yes, I am old-fashioned and don't believe that you should live together before you are married--here's my primary reason why....
Couples who live together before they are married are twice as more likely to get divorced. And article in Discovery Fit & Health (July 21,2012) said that couples who lived together before they were married reported lower martial satisfaction. Living together isn't a means to save rent or reduce your bills. It's a disaster for the one you love.
OK-so today I've been on just a soap box...and there will be tons of people who disagree with me and who lived together before marriage and have very successful relationships-Yeah! However, the odds in life are against you no matter what--why add fuel to the fire!
Today's Challenge: Whether U are single or married--Examine your relationships and pick out the goods and the bads that you have encountered...Learn from them. Make your own one-line advice note. Write it down and freely give it out....
My marriage/relationship is great because....WE TALK....WE CHOOSE TO WAIT.... I SAY I'M SORRY....I LISTEN BEFORE I SPEAK....what's yours?
Mine: Don't move in together-save that exciting adventure for when you are married.
Challenge Issued!
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