As a "Dave Ramsey" convert I am only allowed/budgeted $50 of blow or spending money for two weeks. I usually spend it on my lunches or small tokens for my kids. Last week was the book fair at the school. I allowed my daughter to buy some books and I paid for it out of my spending money. I then used a portion of my funds for other family activities...basically all my spending money was GONE before Thursday! What was I going to eat for the next week and 1/2?
Sandwiches and leftovers--that's what! Snacks?--no vending machine/snack shop/coffee for me! I brought them from home. I am proud that as a family we managed to stick to the budget-use some free coupons and not dip into our account for personal unnecessary expenses.
Today's Challenge: Pack It and Snack It! Bring your lunch and own snacks from home for one week--and see how much money you'll save...Quick Calculation Below:
Lunch x 5 days= 7.00 avg. cost per lunch x 5 days=$35.00
Snack x 5 days=$1.50 Sonic drink/Vending machine x 5 Days=$7.50
Total: $42.50 (Honestly, it's probably more like $50)
If you just Pack IT and Snack IT 1/2 the year you would save: $1,105.00 --A small family vacation!
Challenge Issued!
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