Thursday, April 18, 2013

Grow It to Teach and Save!

It's Spring and garden planting season. Despite the crazy cold weather we are getting in the Midwest brighter and warmer days are right around the corner and today's money saving tip will require an investment of time and money but the rewards will be great. Even if your thumb isn't green this idea will make you a winner in many ways.

Today's Challenge: Choose 1 to 3 things you like to eat that can be planted and grown this summer. Tomatoes, Squash, Zucchini or any other veggie or fruit item that makes since for you. Don't plant a bunch of rows just something small. Grow, Eat and Enjoy.

This can be a great opportunity to teach your kids to make healthy choices. The time you spend together will be valuable as well. You can save some cash at the grocery store. Or make some cash at the flea market selling fresh produce--another great teachable moment for hard work pays off.

This is a difficult challenge-if planting a garden would be too much. Just choose a few tomato plants or pepper plants and reap those benefits!

Challenge Issued!

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