Saving is hard to do--we live in a society of instant! A new car, new couch, new bedroom suite...all these things I can say I bought instantly at one time without saving or really considering the purchase. All good things come with time. Why buy a new car then be consumed with paying for it or pay double for a $350 couch because of credit card interest.
Today's Financial Challenge: Get a jar or Gallon jug-something to put change in. Label the front of the jar with the item or vacation or whatever you want to save for; then duck tape the top leaving a slit for you to put coins in. You can't empty it or get any change out till it's full. Drop all your spare coins in and see how long it takes to fill up! Easy way to save.
When it's full open up a savings account with the name of the item you are saving for. See how long it takes you.
Challenge Issued!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Challenge #30: In The News!
Several years ago a mentor taught me a very valuable lesson about relating to people in business. You need to know the lingo and stay current. Everyday you should be learning something new about the world around you. Years ago I was a Recruiter and part of our job assignment was to spend the first 30 minutes of our day 'reading the wall street journal'.
This 30 minute read project was key in our success as Recruiters. We talked with people all over the United States in many different industries and yet our conversations always started with 'headlines'. One day as I was recruiting a 'Buyer' for a large retail dealer I read in the headlines of the Wall Street Journal that one of the competitors just filed bankruptcy and would be closing within 30 days due to the finanical struggles. GOLDMINE! The sad part was when I contacted the Buyers in the 'bankrupt company' they were hearing it from me first-not even their Managers were aware of the financial situation.
Today's Challenge: Spend 20-30 minutes reading a 'notable' paper. No tabloids-that's not 'real news'--you don't have to subscribe to on-line papers. If you want to read a local paper-choose the largest city near you-this will provide you with more global views. It's a big world out there!
Learn the lingo, stay current--Be a SMARTERU!
Challenge Issued!
This 30 minute read project was key in our success as Recruiters. We talked with people all over the United States in many different industries and yet our conversations always started with 'headlines'. One day as I was recruiting a 'Buyer' for a large retail dealer I read in the headlines of the Wall Street Journal that one of the competitors just filed bankruptcy and would be closing within 30 days due to the finanical struggles. GOLDMINE! The sad part was when I contacted the Buyers in the 'bankrupt company' they were hearing it from me first-not even their Managers were aware of the financial situation.
Today's Challenge: Spend 20-30 minutes reading a 'notable' paper. No tabloids-that's not 'real news'--you don't have to subscribe to on-line papers. If you want to read a local paper-choose the largest city near you-this will provide you with more global views. It's a big world out there!
Learn the lingo, stay current--Be a SMARTERU!
Challenge Issued!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Challenge #29: Push the Limits!
Today I am going to encourage you to push your limits! When your body and head start saying slow down...DON'T! Commit to exercising today for 30 minutes. Maybe you'll walk, run, lift weights, etc. Whatever your exercise choice is --PUSH YOURSELF!
You can make a difference today in your future tomorrow by getting healthy and exercising. Run farther, Run harder, Walk faster!
Today's Challenge: Push Your Limits! Commit to 30 minutes of exercise and then max it out! Be tired when you leave the gym or finish. Be a Better & Healthier U!
Challenge Issued!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Challenge # 28: Tough Time
We are not perfect and we live in a world of if these two statements are true then we know that we are going to have tough times. Just this week I visited with a friend who is struggling in several different areas of their life and the best comforting words I can offer them come from the book of James.
James is my favorite book in the bible-I cling to the first chapter where he discusses trials and perfection and it gives me so much hope!
Today's Challenge: Write down or think about a tough time in your life-you may even be going thru it now. Read the first chapter of James. Read how GOD will bring you through it and make you perfect and complete not lacking anything!
Challenge Issued!
James is my favorite book in the bible-I cling to the first chapter where he discusses trials and perfection and it gives me so much hope!
Today's Challenge: Write down or think about a tough time in your life-you may even be going thru it now. Read the first chapter of James. Read how GOD will bring you through it and make you perfect and complete not lacking anything!
Challenge Issued!
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Challenge #27: Mom's & Daughters
"God is not looking for perfect mothers to raise perfect daughters. He's looking for imperfect mothers who are raising imperfect daughters in an imperfect world...and desperately dependent on a perfect God for the results."
Vicki Courtney
Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter
Family Challenge Day is a little focused on mom's and daughters. If you don't have children yet or maybe you have all boys you can either log for later or adapt to your boys. The above quote reigns true today in all areas of society. No matter where you turn we are never going to be perfect neither are our children. It's more about our dependance on the One True Perfect GOD to empower us to be more...
Establishing an deep relationship with your daughter is crucial to her having a positive self-image and encouraging her to be confident and independent. Let her know you are her mother but you are also her friend. Be cautious you must retain being mom but be a mom with open arms ready to love an listen anytime they need you.
Today's Challenge: Do a one-on-one with your daughter! Paint her nails, brush her hair, go grocery shopping. Do a makeover!
Be your daughter's friend and work at establishing a open relationship realizing you'll never have all the answers and she's going to mess up! But you aren't alone thru it all.
Challenge Issued!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Challenge #26: What A Mess!
I must apologize to the Challengers for such a delay in getting this blog up today. I haven't had access to internet which made it difficult to post this message. Today's challenge is very simple. Saturday's are about getting organized--and since this is so late we are going to make it easy...if you don't get a chance to read this till Sunday you should be able to still squeeze it in.
Today's Challenge: Make a list of 5 Projects that you've put off that will be a MESS!
For instance: Organizing the picture album. Cleaning out the garage. Going thru the Gladware and determining if you really need 200 lids with only 5 bowls (guess you know what's one thing on my list). Five projects that will make a mess and you really just don't want to make time to do. That's it--simple! Make your list somewhere where you won't lose it-We will accomplish these 5 things over the course of time. Tonight is just the list night!
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Make a list of 5 Projects that you've put off that will be a MESS!
For instance: Organizing the picture album. Cleaning out the garage. Going thru the Gladware and determining if you really need 200 lids with only 5 bowls (guess you know what's one thing on my list). Five projects that will make a mess and you really just don't want to make time to do. That's it--simple! Make your list somewhere where you won't lose it-We will accomplish these 5 things over the course of time. Tonight is just the list night!
Challenge Issued!
Friday, January 25, 2013
Challenge #25: Lunch Time!
I remember thinking in my late 20's that I had enough friends. I didn't really need to meet new people the ones I surrounded myself with were amazing and I was blessed to have honest and open relationships with this group of individuals. Fast forward 10 years and wow have things changed.
Some of the same people I am still incredibly close too but I now live in a different state hundreds of miles from that entire group. GOD takes your life in different directions and puts people in your path for a reason. We should never shut down and decide we are done with others because HE is never done with us.
Today's Challenge: Invite someone you don't know well to lunch. You may not be able to eat today but take the time and consider someone you'd like to know better. Or maybe the new person in town. Don't be hesitant just do it! Lunch Time!
Challenge Issued!
Some of the same people I am still incredibly close too but I now live in a different state hundreds of miles from that entire group. GOD takes your life in different directions and puts people in your path for a reason. We should never shut down and decide we are done with others because HE is never done with us.
Today's Challenge: Invite someone you don't know well to lunch. You may not be able to eat today but take the time and consider someone you'd like to know better. Or maybe the new person in town. Don't be hesitant just do it! Lunch Time!
“The only things that will cause you to change over the years are the
books you read and the people you meet.”
Dave Ramsey
Challenge Issued!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Challenge #24: Go Green!
Is your $10 still in your wallet?
How about last week's challenge--did you identify your total debt and put together an action plan to pay it off? Don't let the number depress you into thinking you will never get there-Use it as motivation to establish a plan and think what you will do when the debt is all gone. Yes, it could take years. However, "Borrower is Slave to the Lender" (Dave Ramsey). Don't be a slave. It's not who U were made to be!
Be motivated that you have a starting point and will diligently run the race.
Today's Challenge: GO GREEN! Cash Only! That's right--Figure out how much you will need for just 2 days (Thursday and Friday) and withdraw that exact amount. Allocate it out and don't withdrawal additional cash! You can do it. You'll find that if the debt and credit cards aren't options you will spend less.
Challenge Issued!
How about last week's challenge--did you identify your total debt and put together an action plan to pay it off? Don't let the number depress you into thinking you will never get there-Use it as motivation to establish a plan and think what you will do when the debt is all gone. Yes, it could take years. However, "Borrower is Slave to the Lender" (Dave Ramsey). Don't be a slave. It's not who U were made to be!
Be motivated that you have a starting point and will diligently run the race.
Today's Challenge: GO GREEN! Cash Only! That's right--Figure out how much you will need for just 2 days (Thursday and Friday) and withdraw that exact amount. Allocate it out and don't withdrawal additional cash! You can do it. You'll find that if the debt and credit cards aren't options you will spend less.
Challenge Issued!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Challenge #23: Read On!
Last week we did some historical research to be a SMARTERU! I hope you enjoyed learning about the Statue of Liberty, Pearl Harbor and the Challenger Explosion. Three major events that shaped and impacted the US culture over many generations.
For your first educational challenge you were supposed to choose a book-so if you are joining us late look back to Challenge #2 and there's also a suggested reading list to help you make a non-fiction choice to read.
Today's Challenge: Read On! Spend 20-30 minutes reading the book of your choice.
Hopefully this will put you some where between having 5-6 chapters under your belt and as long as you stuck to a book with no more than 15 chapters you're 1/3 of the way done!
Challenge Issued!
For your first educational challenge you were supposed to choose a book-so if you are joining us late look back to Challenge #2 and there's also a suggested reading list to help you make a non-fiction choice to read.
Today's Challenge: Read On! Spend 20-30 minutes reading the book of your choice.
Hopefully this will put you some where between having 5-6 chapters under your belt and as long as you stuck to a book with no more than 15 chapters you're 1/3 of the way done!
Challenge Issued!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Challenge #22: Just Move IT!
Yahoo! It's Physical Fitness Challenge Day! I love the physical and eating challenges because I know they are starting points to jump start and encourage you in over-all health. If you exercise and eat better you will be happier, have more energy and begin treating your body like "a temple" for spiritual wellness. So the physical challenges impact has such potential to make a BETTERU!
Today's challenge: Movement! Dedicate at least 30 minutes to 'extra' movement.
Walk the block on your lunch. Do some vigorous cleaning for at least 30 minutes. Change your routine-do squats at your desk instead of just sitting in the chair. Just MOVE MORE! You have to start somewhere-Make today the kick-off!
Challenge Issued!
it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far
some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all. "
Joey Adams
The above quote will NOT be you today! Do not the the frig and the TV define your activity level.
Today's challenge: Movement! Dedicate at least 30 minutes to 'extra' movement.
Walk the block on your lunch. Do some vigorous cleaning for at least 30 minutes. Change your routine-do squats at your desk instead of just sitting in the chair. Just MOVE MORE! You have to start somewhere-Make today the kick-off!
Challenge Issued!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Challenge #21: All About Timing
Let's kick our Monday off on the right track by focusing on our spiritual state. Yesterday I went from a spiritual low to letting GOD humble my heart and realign my thoughts and feelings on a particular issue. It took HIM seconds to do--naturally because HE can do anything anytime HE wants. I received quite the 'internal spanking'.
The thing impressed upon was 'timing'--it's GOD's--as much as we think we can control it-We can't! Daily we work thru the 24 hours GOD has given and allocate it all out in our schedules and there is nothing wrong with having an organized schedule. Be cautious that when he tells you to slow down and listen if it conflicts with your 2:00pm meeting or your gym time--YOU STILL LISTEN!
Today's Challenge: Read Ecclesiastes 3: 1-11!
There is a season for everything-the sad and the glad moments. In verse 11-focus on the first part-after you read about all the season-it says that GOD has made everything BEAUTIFUL! HIS timing and HIS plan and HIS Creations-are beautiful. Let your time be HIS today!
Challenge Issued!
The thing impressed upon was 'timing'--it's GOD's--as much as we think we can control it-We can't! Daily we work thru the 24 hours GOD has given and allocate it all out in our schedules and there is nothing wrong with having an organized schedule. Be cautious that when he tells you to slow down and listen if it conflicts with your 2:00pm meeting or your gym time--YOU STILL LISTEN!
Today's Challenge: Read Ecclesiastes 3: 1-11!
There is a season for everything-the sad and the glad moments. In verse 11-focus on the first part-after you read about all the season-it says that GOD has made everything BEAUTIFUL! HIS timing and HIS plan and HIS Creations-are beautiful. Let your time be HIS today!
Challenge Issued!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Challenge #20: Never Too Old!
Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child's growth as vitamins.
Joyce Allston
Joyce Allston
The quote I used compares grandparents to heroes--she is definitely one of my heroes and made a significant difference in the person I am today. If you didn't have a grandparent there was someone from another older generation that influenced your life. Don't short change them the legacy of you!
Today's Challenge: Call that grandparent or "substitute" grandparent and just say hi!
Yes, they will probably talk to long or tell you the same story again. Don't short change them of your time! It's something you'll never want a refund on!
Challenge Issued!
Challenge #19: Meds OUT!
Let me begin this post by apologizing for the tardiness of getting today's challenge published. We have a family full of sick little ones so it's made it a little difficult to get the computer. Saturday's we work to get motivated on organizing our lives. Today's post and challenge is something I noticed I've struggled with in the past 24 hours--my medicine cabinet.OUT OF CONTROL!
With three children all sick with three different illness I realized I had 3-bottle of Children's Tylenol/3-bottles of Motrin and all six of these bottles were open. Why do I have this many and all partial bottles? Because I could never find them when I needed them so I just kept buying more. Medications are a serious thing. Storing them in the proper place and making sure they aren't expired could mean the difference in a healthy person or an ER visit. The flu rampant in the US and in other countries around the world I think we all need a 30 minutes of cleaning and organizing in our medicine cabinets.
Today's Challenge: Clean that medicine cabinet!
With three children all sick with three different illness I realized I had 3-bottle of Children's Tylenol/3-bottles of Motrin and all six of these bottles were open. Why do I have this many and all partial bottles? Because I could never find them when I needed them so I just kept buying more. Medications are a serious thing. Storing them in the proper place and making sure they aren't expired could mean the difference in a healthy person or an ER visit. The flu rampant in the US and in other countries around the world I think we all need a 30 minutes of cleaning and organizing in our medicine cabinets.
Today's Challenge: Clean that medicine cabinet!
- Check dates-if it's expired throw it out-the date is there for a reason.
- Put all your meds in one place-don't scatter them all over your house-cost saving measure
- Group them in cabinet-stomach meds in one area, sinus in another, etc.
- If there's some you must keep handy-put it in a Gladware container to keep grouped together and accessible. The container will also slow any children from getting in it that aren't supposed too.
- Post the number to Poison Control near the cabinet or phone-1-800-222-1222. This could be life-saver.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Challenge #18: Sending Out the Love-Part 2
Fridays are our 'relationship' day...where we put aside a few minutes and invest in those who mean so much to us. We've been diligent in making our list of the 5 people we want to reach out to and have sent out 3 notes. Today let's finish this task.
Today's Challenge: Finish writing the last 2 notes that you have and send them out today. Let these people know what an impact that have been in your life. It says so much to other to receive that little bit of encouragement via mail. So make someone smile. Mail out the last two cards. Easy challenge.
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Finish writing the last 2 notes that you have and send them out today. Let these people know what an impact that have been in your life. It says so much to other to receive that little bit of encouragement via mail. So make someone smile. Mail out the last two cards. Easy challenge.
Challenge Issued!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Challenge #17: Drowning in Debt
Stop the Presses...The average American family has over $8000 in credit card debt alone! This does not include the car note, the mortgage, the student loan, and the many other loans that can be tagged to your credit report. Trust me I know. I have had all the payments listed above and often felt like I was drowning and really couldn't even truly identify a total that I owed others.
Don't think that debt is a tool to get you to a better place-it will only suck you into a circumstance you can't handle. Don't look to our government for help-the track record there isn't worth your time. Today's challenge will hopefully be simple...for some it maybe more of a challenge-which is all the more reason to commit and make it happen.
Today's Challenge: Identify the TOTAL amount in debt you have-this includes your spouse if you are married because debt is a joint venture. Put together a plan of attack to knock it out. Don't believe the lies that you will always have a car note or always have debt-it's not true. You've already started a saving plan by putting back the $5 or $10 dollars till February. Keep it going. I would recommend checking out the Debt Snowball recommended by Dave Ramsey at
Challenge Issued!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Challenge #16: Knowing your Your History
Wednesdays are the day focused on a SmarterU. I hope everyone got to read their chapters last week in your book of choice. If you are joining us-choose a book and we'll be reading thru it during our time together this year.
Today's Challenge however deals with historical events. I am NO history buff-it's just not my cup of tea. However, I value all the freedoms I have today and I know that when I learn about the struggles my ancestors went thru I appreciate them so much more. This past year my husband and I visited the great city of San Antonio, Texas. We spent lots of time hearing the history of the city and see the Alamo...and WOW-I was amazed at the stories and events surrounding the rich history of the San Antonio and it's impact on Texas.
Today we are going to look at 3 historical events in the US-just take some time and look each one up and read a little bit about them. Jot down one sentence about the event that stands out and how it may have changed our future or impacted you as you learn about it. Here's the 3 events:
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge however deals with historical events. I am NO history buff-it's just not my cup of tea. However, I value all the freedoms I have today and I know that when I learn about the struggles my ancestors went thru I appreciate them so much more. This past year my husband and I visited the great city of San Antonio, Texas. We spent lots of time hearing the history of the city and see the Alamo...and WOW-I was amazed at the stories and events surrounding the rich history of the San Antonio and it's impact on Texas.
Today we are going to look at 3 historical events in the US-just take some time and look each one up and read a little bit about them. Jot down one sentence about the event that stands out and how it may have changed our future or impacted you as you learn about it. Here's the 3 events:
- History of Statue of Liberty-Who gave it to us? Why or who was the model? What cool things can you learn about this image of American Freedom?
- Explosion of the Challenger-First teacher in Space? Why did it explode? I personally remember watching this happen on tv.
- Invasion of Pearl Harbor-One of the first attacks on American soil. Were we ready?
Challenge Issued!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Challenge #15: Eat Your Veggies!
How many times did your mama say, "Eat your vegetables!" I'm sure we all heard it plenty and now if you are a parent you hear yourself repeating those exact words. Tuesdays physical challenges have been-drink your water 70oz/Deny Yourself those cards, candy or that tough food you should say no too--and today's challenge is geared around eating habits too.Establishing these solid principles will make a huge difference in your physical health for the 2013.
Today's Challenge: MEATLESS MEAL! For lunch or dinner today-choose to have a meatless meal.
This doesn't mean a pasta dinner loaded with sauce-it means Veggies! Choose to have a salad and or some steamed veggies as your entire meal. OK-Carnivores you can do it!
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: MEATLESS MEAL! For lunch or dinner today-choose to have a meatless meal.
This doesn't mean a pasta dinner loaded with sauce-it means Veggies! Choose to have a salad and or some steamed veggies as your entire meal. OK-Carnivores you can do it!
Challenge Issued!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Challenge #14: Ark vs. Titantic
"Never be afraid to try something new.
Remember, amateurs build the ark; professionals built the Titanic."
Author Unknown
It's Monday and you have been blessed with another week to get Motivated and Make a BetterU. If you are just joining our challenge-jump right in and commit to becoming a BetterU in 2013.
Monday's are about spiritual challenges.One of the patriarchs in the bible is Noah-he had quite a few downfalls however, his accomplishment of impacting the world was huge-if Noah hadn't been faithful in a time when no one was-there wouldn't be animals and WE wouldn't be here.
Your challenge today-Read Genesis 6&7-think about this not as a children's story. This really happened! Imagine living in Noah's time. He was an amateur that changed the world one board at a time. We are all amateur's just like Noah what will you commit to spiritual-how will you change the world one board at a time?
Challenge Issued!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Challenge #13: Post It!
I wish I had invented the Post It Notes...what a great concept! Tiny piece of paper with some sticky on the back that you can put anywhere. Such a small concept/idea yet look at the impact. I don't know an office that doesn't use Post It's on a daily basis. Let's just say in the business world-GOLD MINE!
Phone numbers, names, reminders--you name and you can use a Post It to track it! Let's take this one step further.
Your Challenge Today: Take a Post It-or a tiny piece of paper and write a encouraging note to each of your family members. Post them tonight after they are asleep in a place where they will see them first thing tomorrow. If you have small children that can't read-draw them a flower or truck on the Post It...your morning will kick off amazing and you'll have some special time tonight to think and pray over your family members.
Words can build or break a person-let's use the Post It to build up those we love the most.
Challenge Issued!
Phone numbers, names, reminders--you name and you can use a Post It to track it! Let's take this one step further.
Your Challenge Today: Take a Post It-or a tiny piece of paper and write a encouraging note to each of your family members. Post them tonight after they are asleep in a place where they will see them first thing tomorrow. If you have small children that can't read-draw them a flower or truck on the Post It...your morning will kick off amazing and you'll have some special time tonight to think and pray over your family members.
Words can build or break a person-let's use the Post It to build up those we love the most.
Challenge Issued!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Challenge #12: Work of Art
"The sculptor produces the beautiful statue by chipping away such parts of
the marble block as are not needed--
it is a process of elimination."
Elbert Hubbard
It's my desire that your life be a true masterpiece...a work of art. However, before we can see the beauty of life we must be motivated to work on our sculpture and dedicate time and energy to getting the perfect design. So we must chip away at the clutter in our lives and get rid of it!
Saturday's are organization day! Last week we dumped the purse or wallet and cleaned it out. We probably even eliminated weight and helped our health. Today, I am going to do a little shopping like a lot of us do on the weekend. So as you are putting away those new things-let's clean the clutter and get organized in the closet!
Today's Challenge: Organize and clean that closet.
This may take longer than 20 minutes but commit to getting it organized. Try to even spend some time getting those clothes out that don't work anymore-if you want to save them because by the end of your 365 Challenge you will fit in them-GREAT! Box them-in big marker write-SKINNY CLOTHES with your goal weight and put them in the top-so you are constantly motivated to Drink Your Water and Deny Self.
Outside clutter is usually a result of things going on the inside-you'll feel lighter and less stressed when you clean the clutter!
Challenge Issued!
Friday, January 11, 2013
Challenge #11: Sending Out the Love!
Today is Friday! And it's all about relationships...Last week we made a list of 5 people who had made a difference in your life over the past year. If you are new to the challenge-Make that list! Easy task today-no more than 20 minutes-I hope this motivates you to
think about those that mean so much and reach out and touch someone. Be
a Difference Maker today; because people make the difference.
Today's Challenge: Mail out 2 notes to 2 of the people on your list. Last week we mailed one! Today work in 2. Snail mail it with a stamp-receiving a written note says so much!
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Mail out 2 notes to 2 of the people on your list. Last week we mailed one! Today work in 2. Snail mail it with a stamp-receiving a written note says so much!
Challenge Issued!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Challenge #10: A little Goes A Long Way
I hope you enjoyed your reading time last night-I know I did...I put my kiddos down for bed and opened up my book of choice and jumped right in.
I know I've had a few new people jump into the BetterU365Challenge and I'm excited to have you aboard-please don't hesitate to start even if you're a little late or a lot late. Don't feel like you need to go back and try to catch up just start today. Sometimes our challenges do build on each other-so I'll put an update in so you'll know where to start.
Thursdays are our financial challenges-Last week we had to take a $5 or $10 bill and write Feb. 3, 2013 on it-and save it! Don't spend it for a month-so if you're new-try to save a small amount for a month. Great things start with small steps.
Today's Challenge: Find a Coupon that you would use-USE IT! There are tons of coupons on the internet or check out the back of your receipts-maybe you participated in a fundraiser where there are coupons. Grab one and use it the very next opportunity you plan on purchasing that product. Don't just buy the item to be using the coupons-make them work for U! You may only save 20 cents on the item but that would add up to over $70 a year if you did it each time. Don't go extreme and try to get everything free like Extreme Couponing-Just choose something you use all the time and get a discount on it.
Every week on Saturday I do my grocery shopping-I hit 2 different stores always-A grocery store and Dollar General-the bottom of the Dollar General receipt contains a $5 off coupon to be used the next Saturday! Yes you have to purchase $25 or more but WOW-that's free toliet paper-something we all use-if you don't you should!
Challenge Issued!
I know I've had a few new people jump into the BetterU365Challenge and I'm excited to have you aboard-please don't hesitate to start even if you're a little late or a lot late. Don't feel like you need to go back and try to catch up just start today. Sometimes our challenges do build on each other-so I'll put an update in so you'll know where to start.
Thursdays are our financial challenges-Last week we had to take a $5 or $10 bill and write Feb. 3, 2013 on it-and save it! Don't spend it for a month-so if you're new-try to save a small amount for a month. Great things start with small steps.
Today's Challenge: Find a Coupon that you would use-USE IT! There are tons of coupons on the internet or check out the back of your receipts-maybe you participated in a fundraiser where there are coupons. Grab one and use it the very next opportunity you plan on purchasing that product. Don't just buy the item to be using the coupons-make them work for U! You may only save 20 cents on the item but that would add up to over $70 a year if you did it each time. Don't go extreme and try to get everything free like Extreme Couponing-Just choose something you use all the time and get a discount on it.
Every week on Saturday I do my grocery shopping-I hit 2 different stores always-A grocery store and Dollar General-the bottom of the Dollar General receipt contains a $5 off coupon to be used the next Saturday! Yes you have to purchase $25 or more but WOW-that's free toliet paper-something we all use-if you don't you should!
Challenge Issued!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Challenge #9: Read Away
Wednesday's challenges are designed to make you a SmarterU! I hope everyone enjoyed learning a little more about themselves last week by researching the year they were born and I hope you got your book ready-because you guessed it! Today is read away day!
Today's Challenge: Read 2 Chapters or 20 minutes in the book you chose last week.
Yes--you may have to lock yourself in the bathroom for 20 minutes or so-but do it. I bet U enjoy the reading time you'll segment more out over the rest of the week.
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Read 2 Chapters or 20 minutes in the book you chose last week.
Yes--you may have to lock yourself in the bathroom for 20 minutes or so-but do it. I bet U enjoy the reading time you'll segment more out over the rest of the week.
Challenge Issued!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Challenge #8: Deny Self
Wow! It's been an entire week since we started our motivational challenges. Today we will focus on the physical side again. Today's challenge will be a little tougher than last week's water challenge, but the implications are huge.
The hardest part in weight loss is not the exercise. Studies show that it's more about what you put into your body than what U do with your body. Over the past year I have lost 46 pounds and what a difference it has made in my life. My eating habits and portion control were the toughest part of my battle to be healthier. I have had to learn to DENY SELF!
Today's challenge is to DENY SELF-look at your food choices today-eliminate soda, sugar-packed snacks and no French Fries-ouch! You can do it. After one day of removing the items from your diet you will realize that it's really not that hard...then you can slowly make choices to remove them one by one daily. You may not have any issues with the above mentioned items-what is your weakness today? It maybe tough because you're taking them all out at once-but do it to prove U can Be a Better U!
Challenge Issued!
The hardest part in weight loss is not the exercise. Studies show that it's more about what you put into your body than what U do with your body. Over the past year I have lost 46 pounds and what a difference it has made in my life. My eating habits and portion control were the toughest part of my battle to be healthier. I have had to learn to DENY SELF!
Today's challenge is to DENY SELF-look at your food choices today-eliminate soda, sugar-packed snacks and no French Fries-ouch! You can do it. After one day of removing the items from your diet you will realize that it's really not that hard...then you can slowly make choices to remove them one by one daily. You may not have any issues with the above mentioned items-what is your weakness today? It maybe tough because you're taking them all out at once-but do it to prove U can Be a Better U!
Challenge Issued!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Challenge #7: PEACE
Kicking off Mondays are usually anything but peaceful at our house. Between getting ready for school and work it's a whirlwind of CHAOS. This week I want it to be different. Last week I finished the week off by having to offer a huge apology to my daughter for mommy being mean in the mornings-I know I need to be a better mom that provides a peaceful home setting even in the mornings.
Mondays are dedicated to spiritual challenges. You ask what the preceding paragraph has to do with a spiritual challenge-it's the same situation we've all been in at one point in time or another. We need to move from CHAOS to PEACE The best advice and challenges come from the Bible-so if we need heart changes I must start where the best advice/motivation is given.
Let 2013 be a year full of PEACE! Today's challenge: Read Colossians 3:15. Christ offers us a great PEACE-which we need to be thankful for-Dwell on this scripture all day-write it down. Let the peace of Christ rule your heart!
Challenge Issued!
Mondays are dedicated to spiritual challenges. You ask what the preceding paragraph has to do with a spiritual challenge-it's the same situation we've all been in at one point in time or another. We need to move from CHAOS to PEACE The best advice and challenges come from the Bible-so if we need heart changes I must start where the best advice/motivation is given.
Let 2013 be a year full of PEACE! Today's challenge: Read Colossians 3:15. Christ offers us a great PEACE-which we need to be thankful for-Dwell on this scripture all day-write it down. Let the peace of Christ rule your heart!
Challenge Issued!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Challenge #6: Bring on Dinner!
It's Sunday! And usually everyone is with their family on Sunday so the challenge today revolves around your family...Take a few minutes today and consider some ways that you can make your family feel special. Could you plan a special meal today? Make a family favorite dessert? Have a movie night? Maybe you play a game with your family...
Today's Challenge is MEAL TIME! Make a point today to sit at the table and eat together. Maybe a husband is working late-Have coffee or hot chocolate time with your family at the table.
Talking with your family is the greatest way to build trust and develop deeper relationships.
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge is MEAL TIME! Make a point today to sit at the table and eat together. Maybe a husband is working late-Have coffee or hot chocolate time with your family at the table.
Talking with your family is the greatest way to build trust and develop deeper relationships.
Challenge Issued!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Challenge #5: Dumping the Junk
Today's challenge is something we all need to do once in awhile-Dump the Junk! Saturday challenges are about getting organized. I promise you won't spend your entire day cleaning out that junk closet but just some small steps towards making a more organized U. I hope that getting organized in the small areas of your life will motivate you to focus on the big areas or personal areas-like priorities!
Today's Challenge-Clean out your purse & wallet. Attention all men-your wallets are just as bad-old receipts/business cards, etc.
For all you women-it's been proven that carrying around a heavy purse has been linked to all kinds of back problems. So dump the JUNK and clean it out!
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge-Clean out your purse & wallet. Attention all men-your wallets are just as bad-old receipts/business cards, etc.
For all you women-it's been proven that carrying around a heavy purse has been linked to all kinds of back problems. So dump the JUNK and clean it out!
Challenge Issued!
Friday, January 4, 2013
Challenge #4: Reach Out & Touch Someone
Friends are Priceless! Today's Challenge focuses on relationships...there's so many people who play such an important role in helping create who U become.
Today's challenge is very simple-take 10 minutes and make a list of 5 friends who have made a significant impact in your life. Choose one person off that list and write a "real" note to them or pick up a card and just thank them for being your friend--then mail it! Yep-old school 'snail mail' or hand deliver it.
Impacting people is what life is all about-save your list you'll use it in the future.
Challenge Issued!
Today's challenge is very simple-take 10 minutes and make a list of 5 friends who have made a significant impact in your life. Choose one person off that list and write a "real" note to them or pick up a card and just thank them for being your friend--then mail it! Yep-old school 'snail mail' or hand deliver it.
Impacting people is what life is all about-save your list you'll use it in the future.
Challenge Issued!
Recommeded Readings for a SmarterU
Sorry for the delay in getting these book titles posted....Below is a list of some good ones.
- Find Your Strongest Life: Marcus Buckingham
- QBQ! the Question Behind the Question: John Miller
- Monk & The Merchant: Terry Felber
- One Minute Entrepreneur: Ken Blanchard
- Be A People Person: John Maxwell
- Rhinoceros Success: Scott Alexander
- 1000 Gifts: Anne Voskamp
- Made To Crave: Lysa Terkurst
- Unglued: Lysa Terkurst
- Pretty Much Anything Written BY Lysa Terkurst (one of my favorite authors)
- Stained Glass Hearts: Patsy Clairmont
- Barbie and Ruth: Roby Gerber
- One Call Away: Brenda Warner
- Five Love Languages: Gary Chapman
- His Needs Her Needs: Willard E. Harley, Jr.
- The Quitter: John Acuff
- The Total Money Makeover: Dave Ramsey
- Entre Leadership: Dave Ramsey
- You guessed--pretty much anything by Dave Ramsey
- The Happiness Project: Gretchen Rubin
- Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter: Vicki Courtney
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Challenge 3: Dollars & Sense
The number one reason for relationship fights and stress is MONEY! These 6-inch pieces of paper cause a whirl wind of heartache and stress. Let's not let money control our lives or decisions. Yes we have to make decisions that involve money but set your mind today that money isn't your motivator for decisions. Your challenge today is simple....
Take a $5 or $10 bill and write February 3, 2013 in the corner of the bill and save it.
You can't spend that bill for an entire month. Sounds pretty easy right-Make it happen. Carry it with you-Use it as a reminder. Save it for a month. Each time you start to pull money out to spend-think about that bill and ask if you really need the item. Make saving a priority this year. If you saved just $5 every week that would be $260.00 for a year. You need to start somewhere-Start here!
Challenge Issued!
Take a $5 or $10 bill and write February 3, 2013 in the corner of the bill and save it.
You can't spend that bill for an entire month. Sounds pretty easy right-Make it happen. Carry it with you-Use it as a reminder. Save it for a month. Each time you start to pull money out to spend-think about that bill and ask if you really need the item. Make saving a priority this year. If you saved just $5 every week that would be $260.00 for a year. You need to start somewhere-Start here!
Challenge Issued!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Challenge 2: Be a Smarter U!
I truly believe that readers are leaders! So today your challenge is two-fold. First research the year you were born. There are several websites that give you a snapshot of the events that happened in a year. Was there a fiscal cliff our nation was dangling from? Or did someone famous fall off one? What was the hottest trends and music? An amazing thing happened that year-You were born so what was it like on your Day 1 when you entered this big world?
Second, choose a book to read. Don't start it yet-just pick one out. Read a book about something that really happened or a self-help book. No fiction! Choose a 12-15 chapter book that's an easy read--not a 50 chapter theology book that you will struggle to finish. If you have a difficult time choosing today. I'll post some of my favorites tonight. Don't feel like you need to buy a new book-re-read a classic from your shelf.
Challenge Issue!
Second, choose a book to read. Don't start it yet-just pick one out. Read a book about something that really happened or a self-help book. No fiction! Choose a 12-15 chapter book that's an easy read--not a 50 chapter theology book that you will struggle to finish. If you have a difficult time choosing today. I'll post some of my favorites tonight. Don't feel like you need to buy a new book-re-read a classic from your shelf.
Challenge Issue!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
First Challenge
It's the first day of the New Year and what a day to kick it off! Tuesdays are dedicated to Physical today your Challenge will be something oriented towards your physical health. This morning it's snowing so walking the block isn't possible. However, water is essential to the body. It makes up 70% of an average person's body weight. It's essential to be well hydrated body for your skin too.
Today-Drink your water! At least 70 ounces of water!
This is one of the best physical habits to establish for a BetterU in 2013.
Challenge issued!
Today-Drink your water! At least 70 ounces of water!
This is one of the best physical habits to establish for a BetterU in 2013.
Challenge issued!
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