I used to travel a bunch for work. Now my travel often involves a minivan, DVD player, 3 children and many hours in the car. I'm not the jet hopper I used to be. Summer brings vacation galore of all types so this Organizational Travel Tip should play into any mode or life phase of travel.
If you are going somewhere very rarely do you ever come back with less than you leave with. Souvieners, gifts, extra clothes-all kinds of items get added to your travel bags-so start with space!
Today's Challenge: No busting suitcases! When you pack-leave room-most especially if you are flying. If it's a family trip-pack a empty duffle bag that will fold- up flat. You'll have a bag for extra things you pick up along the way....or if that bags to heave it will be easy to move some weight to the duffle.
Challenge Issued!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Friday Challenge: Think Long-Term
When you have a friend or family member who is going to be around for a long-time by default you should consider the person worth the investment. Even if they might not be "your type" of person. It will be worth the time and investment to find the common denominator and rope them into your world.
Today's Challenge: Evaluate the new peopl in your life-by default-will they be around awhile? Invest and open your heart to a new person.
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Evaluate the new peopl in your life-by default-will they be around awhile? Invest and open your heart to a new person.
Challenge Issued!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Thursday Challenge: Money vs. Family
Balancing money and family is complicated. I work and always have...I also have been blessed 3 amazing kids. What would have been better-staying home and struggling with finances or working and has less kid time? There are days I wish I was a stay at home mom. Yet I think about no college debt for my kids and the joy we have when we sneak away as a family and have great trips, etc. these things wouldn't be possible unless I worked.
It's a toss up! Always examine your motives...about money! It doesn't make the world rotate. What has driven your budget? Status? Are your resources being used wisely? Is your family suffering?
Today's Challenge: Look at your calendar-make sure #1 is the REAL priority! Do you need to change your budget to match that priority. Work less play more?
Challenge Issued!
It's a toss up! Always examine your motives...about money! It doesn't make the world rotate. What has driven your budget? Status? Are your resources being used wisely? Is your family suffering?
Today's Challenge: Look at your calendar-make sure #1 is the REAL priority! Do you need to change your budget to match that priority. Work less play more?
Challenge Issued!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Wednesday: Staying Fresh!
Policies and procedures change all the time. Computer systems change all the time. Life is about constant change. Only 20% of people understand and embrace change-the rest complain and resist. It's inevitable that it will happen why not find out how to make it happen smoother, faster and more efficient!
Today's Challenge: Whatever change is going on in your life-work, church, school, etc. Embrace it! Don't be the last to see the vision of the future-you just might miss it!
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Whatever change is going on in your life-work, church, school, etc. Embrace it! Don't be the last to see the vision of the future-you just might miss it!
Challenge Issued!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Tuesday: Healthier U-Working in your Weakness
If you are a guy--YOU LOVE THE WEIGHTS!
If you are a girl--YOU LOVE THE CARDO!
If we are to combine boy and girl we'd have exercise perfection. Despite our personal perferences it's important for our bodies to maintain a healthy balance and get cardo and weight training. What's your weakness...will you skip the cardio and jump straight to the machines or never get off the treadmill?
Today's Challenge: Set aside some time to meet with a trainer or someone who is experienced at your weakness and put together a plan that will work for you. It's tough making those jumps into opposite training but with accountability and a plan it will go smooth and you'll enjoy the change-so will your body!
Challenge Issued!
If you are a girl--YOU LOVE THE CARDO!
If we are to combine boy and girl we'd have exercise perfection. Despite our personal perferences it's important for our bodies to maintain a healthy balance and get cardo and weight training. What's your weakness...will you skip the cardio and jump straight to the machines or never get off the treadmill?
Today's Challenge: Set aside some time to meet with a trainer or someone who is experienced at your weakness and put together a plan that will work for you. It's tough making those jumps into opposite training but with accountability and a plan it will go smooth and you'll enjoy the change-so will your body!
Challenge Issued!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Monday: Drive Time Prayer
Drawing closer to GOD is an everyday practice...you can't just do it MWF like an aerobics class-you need dedicated time everyday to just visit with HIM and let HIM visit with you.
If you have a morning walk or drive-time this would be the perfect time to turn off the radio--get rid of the distractions and turn your heart to quiet prayer for the 10-30 minutes you will be in the car. If this isn't an option...consider taking a drive or maybe while you fold laundry in the early mornings...spend the time in prayer-not only will you feel closer to your Maker--you'll be more connected.
Today's Challenge: Spend 10-15 minutes (drive time) in prayer-in silence--no radio just a little conversation with GOD. Think of a scripture and praise HIM with the words thru-out your prayer. Get connected with your Maker!
Challenge Issued!
If you have a morning walk or drive-time this would be the perfect time to turn off the radio--get rid of the distractions and turn your heart to quiet prayer for the 10-30 minutes you will be in the car. If this isn't an option...consider taking a drive or maybe while you fold laundry in the early mornings...spend the time in prayer-not only will you feel closer to your Maker--you'll be more connected.
Today's Challenge: Spend 10-15 minutes (drive time) in prayer-in silence--no radio just a little conversation with GOD. Think of a scripture and praise HIM with the words thru-out your prayer. Get connected with your Maker!
Challenge Issued!
Sunday: Off to the Pool
My husband hates the pool....my kids love the pool.....he loves our kids......so it's off to the pool we went on Sunday evening so enjoy some sun and water. Despite the heat and tons of people my kids had a blast. My husband ended up enjoying the time with seeing our youngest child have his first pool experience--sliding, gulping some chlorine, and laughing at the jets. Overall, the visit was success.
That night as our children laid down to say their prayers they both thanked GOD for the pool and for mommy and daddy taking them to the pool. Such a small task but what a major impact.
Today's Family Challenge: Even though it might not be your cup of tea-think about the family activities that would bring great joy to others-PLAN ONE! You'll end up smiling and feeling the joy it brings others.
Challenge Issued!
That night as our children laid down to say their prayers they both thanked GOD for the pool and for mommy and daddy taking them to the pool. Such a small task but what a major impact.
Today's Family Challenge: Even though it might not be your cup of tea-think about the family activities that would bring great joy to others-PLAN ONE! You'll end up smiling and feeling the joy it brings others.
Challenge Issued!
Saturday Challenge: Unfinished Projects
Sometimes we don't realize how many little things need to be done. Put away the folded laundry; finish spreading the weed killer, clean out the frig...tons of tiny projects that really add up. Today's more OrganizedU challenge will be to get ahead and get the projects done.
Today's Challenge: Identify 2 small unfinished projects and make it happen-get them done within the next 2 days and check them off your list!
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Identify 2 small unfinished projects and make it happen-get them done within the next 2 days and check them off your list!
Challenge Issued!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Friday: Understanding Disappointment
People and relationships will disappoint you...break-ups happen, promises get broken, trash doesn't get taken out. There are so many little things between people that can cause disappointment. The decision comes to a head when you are deciding to hold it against someone or realize that it happens-forgive and move on maintaining a relationship with the individual. Remember-no one is above disappointing others. You've probably done it and may not even realize it.
Today's Challenge: Accept that disappointments happen no matter the relationship, forgive and look to the future. Easier said than done...so today's challenge may be tough for some. Pinpoint one key moment this week you've been disappointed. Release the resentment in your heart and begin to move past it.
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Accept that disappointments happen no matter the relationship, forgive and look to the future. Easier said than done...so today's challenge may be tough for some. Pinpoint one key moment this week you've been disappointed. Release the resentment in your heart and begin to move past it.
Challenge Issued!
Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never destroys it.
— Eliza Tabor
SmarterU Challenge--History Buff
There are several small holidays and calendar events that happen in the month of June.
1. Father's Day
2. Flag Day
3. Summer Solstice
As I think about being a smarter and more informed person I realize I don't pay much attention to to the smaller events on the calendar. Father's Day sure--we got the card and gift and by process of elimination I'm guessing that the Summer Solstice has to do with the first official day of Summer.
FLAG DAY? What's the significance of this holiday?
Today's Challenge: Check out the three small holidays in June listed above and learn exactly what they mean and why they get noticed on the calendar. It'll make you a smarter and more informed U.
Challenge Issued!
1. Father's Day
2. Flag Day
3. Summer Solstice
As I think about being a smarter and more informed person I realize I don't pay much attention to to the smaller events on the calendar. Father's Day sure--we got the card and gift and by process of elimination I'm guessing that the Summer Solstice has to do with the first official day of Summer.
FLAG DAY? What's the significance of this holiday?
Today's Challenge: Check out the three small holidays in June listed above and learn exactly what they mean and why they get noticed on the calendar. It'll make you a smarter and more informed U.
Challenge Issued!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Wednesday: RicherU--Summer Vacation 2013
Summer vacation should be saved for, enjoyed and affordable! While planning your summer vacation check out this link-it's the 10 most affordable places to vacation!
Enjoy yourself without the credit card!
Today's Challenge: Check out this link and don't go in debt for summer vacation. Ten of the best and most affordable places to vacation in the US.
Challenge Issued!
Enjoy yourself without the credit card!
Today's Challenge: Check out this link and don't go in debt for summer vacation. Ten of the best and most affordable places to vacation in the US.
Challenge Issued!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Tuesday: Physical Challenge--Concession Stand Mania
It's Summer baseball and the popcorn is popping, snow cones flowing, candy plentiful and burgers grilling--all in your local concession stand at the ball field. I have had to remind my family and myself that a bag of chips, snow cone and Airhead is not a suitable dinner. All summer you have access to concessions stands at the park, pool, drive-in, etc. Enjoy your summer activities and the concession stand in moderation!
Today's Challenge: Eat before heading to the game...not only will it be a healthier meal but you'll not have to miss the winning pitch due to waiting in line.
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Eat before heading to the game...not only will it be a healthier meal but you'll not have to miss the winning pitch due to waiting in line.
Challenge Issued!
Monday-Spiritual Challenge: Freedom
Freedom! July 4 around the corner and freedom seems to be a huge topic on my mind. When I think about freedom I think about the many lives who have been sacrificed for my freedom. I have two young cousins in the military now serving our country and ensuring our freedom! So huge the sacrifice...just like the sacrifice of Jesus to guarantee the freedom we have from HELL.
Today's Challenge: Read John 8:36...Stand and marvel at the amazing freedom we have in Christ! Look up two other verses about freedom and soak it in!
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Read John 8:36...Stand and marvel at the amazing freedom we have in Christ! Look up two other verses about freedom and soak it in!
Challenge Issued!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Sunday Family Challenge: Use Your Words
My husband goes in almost every night and prays with our children. He has them tell GOD they love HIM and are thankful for the blessings HE has given them. Last night I overheard him with our daughter-go thru the gospel message and do prayers...then he told her good night and was headed out the door.
Turn back around....I had him go back into her room-then tell our daughter he loved her give her hugs and remind her how special she is-Not only does GOD love her so much but Daddy thinks the same thing. If we as parents or family members don't use our words and tell our children or those important to us these things either the wrong people will or no one will.
Today's Challenge: Use your words to let those who mean the most to you know what you mean to them!
Challenge Issued!
Turn back around....I had him go back into her room-then tell our daughter he loved her give her hugs and remind her how special she is-Not only does GOD love her so much but Daddy thinks the same thing. If we as parents or family members don't use our words and tell our children or those important to us these things either the wrong people will or no one will.
Today's Challenge: Use your words to let those who mean the most to you know what you mean to them!
Challenge Issued!
Saturday: OrganizedU--Photo Clean-UP
There is almost 400 picture on my phone! Crazy...about 100 of them are from other people's events where I took them and have never sent them along. Get your pics cleaned up!
Today's Challenge: Allocate an hour or two (for some of you) and clean-up those pictures on your phone. Download to jump drive and print or make a disc and give them to the rightful owner.
Of course you'll want to save some of your personal photos to show others, but get more organized and get picture savvy.
Challenge Issued!
Friday, June 14, 2013
Relationship Challenge: Hey I'm Single--Now WHAT!
I remember being 28 and single...
1. No one to answer to-yippie
2. Spend my money the way I want
3. Walk around nude if I choose (and you live alone)
4. No need to consider others when making my choices-it's my life!
AND....What if I never meet Mr. Right or Mrs. Right
It's really not always that easy being single. The biggest challenge is truly not settling and waiting patiently on who GOD made for you!
Today's Challenge:
1. If you are single-Pray for your mate-that GOD prepare your heart and theirs.
2. If you are married-Pray for those that are single. It's has it's tough moments.
Challenge Issued!
1. No one to answer to-yippie
2. Spend my money the way I want
3. Walk around nude if I choose (and you live alone)
4. No need to consider others when making my choices-it's my life!
AND....What if I never meet Mr. Right or Mrs. Right
It's really not always that easy being single. The biggest challenge is truly not settling and waiting patiently on who GOD made for you!
Today's Challenge:
1. If you are single-Pray for your mate-that GOD prepare your heart and theirs.
2. If you are married-Pray for those that are single. It's has it's tough moments.
Challenge Issued!
RicherU: What Shall I Do When I Grow UP?
There are tons of recent college graduates flooding the market--ready to conquer the world! Over 70% of people aren't doing what they went to college for...very interesting. Today's blog will list the top 10 jobs when taking into consideration-Growth, Personal Satisfaction and Money. Remember, when selecting a career path you need to think forward and be smart.
Today's Challenge: When considering a career move...take into consideration all the different factors-family time, company reputation, etc.
If you need more insight visit the CNN Money website and review the article link .http://money.cnn.com/pf/best-jobs/2012/snapshots/
- Biomedical Engineer
- Marketing Consultant
- Software Architect
- Clinical Research Associate
- Database Administrator
- Financial Adviser
- Market Research Analyst
- Physical Therapist
- Software Developer
- Occupational Therapist
Today's Challenge: When considering a career move...take into consideration all the different factors-family time, company reputation, etc.
If you need more insight visit the CNN Money website and review the article link .http://money.cnn.com/pf/best-jobs/2012/snapshots/
Thursday, June 13, 2013
SmarterU Challenge: Balance To be Your Best
Being a SmarterU includes more than just exercising your brain. It also includes making sure you aren't overloading in one segment of your life and enjoying your passions.
Check out this article and accept the SmarterU Challenge!
Today's Challenge: Commit to living a more balanced life--which will result in a Smarter & HappierU!
Challenge Issued!
Check out this article and accept the SmarterU Challenge!
Today's Challenge: Commit to living a more balanced life--which will result in a Smarter & HappierU!
Challenge Issued!
How to live a balanced lifestyle
[Related article: Healthy eating and living for kids and teenagers]
Nowadays with busy work schedules, overtime work, deadlines, further/extra studies, kids, rising petrol prices, inflation, social obligations, house chores, mortgage repayments, etc, it is getting harder and harder for many people to stay healthy, stress-free and happy. Many of us end up disregarding our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing just to ensure we stay on top of things (or so we think) and that the bills are paid for, our project deadlines are met, our kids go to private schools, etc.

What many people fail to consider is: What is the point of doing all of this if you’re not going to enjoy and live a happy life?
Living a balanced lifestyle is the key to ensuring that you can have time for yourself, your work, your friends, your family and time to enjoy life and the people and things around you. Admittedly, achieving one is easier said than to be done. But if you are discipline and really try to challenge yourself, you will get there and you would never want to look back.
To help you along your journey, I have listed out some simple tips and ways to go about balancing your life, work and commitments.
1. Indulge in yourself
By indulging and taking care of yourself, this can significantly reduce your stress levels and clear your mind so that you’re in a better frame of mind to tackle any issues, problems and unexpected challenges that pop up along the way. Reduction of stress is important as high levels of stress have been shown to significantly impact negatively on one’s mental and emotional health. Hence, as part of a balanced lifestyle, activities that are stress-reducing are important and I have listed out a few ideas to get you started.
Since we take time to indulge in ourselves, as part of a balanced lifestyle, we must also take time to care for ourselves. Caring for ourselves and our body involves eating a balanced diet and being active (ie. exercise). Approaching this with a positive can-do attitude will also make things a lot easier, and in combination with these ideas, you will be on your way to achieving a balanced lifestyle in no time.
Eat a Well-Balanced Diet
Remember this phase: “Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness” (Edward Stanley). The reason why eating well is so essential for a balanced lifestyle is because having a balanced diet will ensure that your body is functioning well, you have more energy for your day and you will have a lower chance of falling sick or developing any illnesses/diseases. There are a million and one things that could go wrong if you continuously indulge in an unhealthy diet but it is outside the scope of this article. If you’re interested and would like to read up more on it, I would recommend you to read up on the other articles such as Nutritional & Vitamin deficiency: What is it and how to avoid it and A Balanced Diet: What is it and how to achieve it?
Exercise is not only a fantastic way to reduce stress, it is great for the waist line, your skin, mental health and ensuring that your bodily functions are at their optimum. If you’re “too busy” for exercise, schedule it like how you will schedule your other work appointments and social events. By committing it down on your calendar, you are more likely to stick with it and be motivated to do it. Make sure that the exercise is something you love to do. So for example, if you don’t like running or hitting the gym, go for a bike ride instead. Or try something new like dancing, zumba, rock climbing, etc. Be creative! There are so many other options out there besides hitting the gym.
3. Prioritise your life
To enjoy a balanced lifestyle, you need to manage all aspects of your life: Work, health, fitness, relationships, family and mental well-being. However, realistically, it can get unbelievably hard to manage all aspects of this and become bogged down with one aspect (ie. work) and ignore the rest (ie. your diet or time spent with your loved ones). Therefore, it is vital that you take some steps and tips to ensure you maintain on top of things so that you can enjoy all areas of your life.
When you’re contented, you can actually properly enjoy every moment of your life and savor the things that are important to you. Many people get caught up in the whole materialistic world which can drive them to work more and more hours which consequently impacts negatively on their health, emotional wellbeing, and relationships with their love ones. It is important to distinguish between a want and a need because lets face it, most of the time, we do not really NEED that new BMW car, we just want it for superficial reasons. Again prioritising what is important to you (because everyone is different) is important as you will be able to have a holistic view on what is important and what you need to work and aim for.
As with everything (especially at the start), living a balanced lifestyle can be challenging to achieve as it requires you to change your current lifestyle. Being disciplined and committed is so important in ensuring that you permanently and sustainably having a healthy diet, an exercise routine and enough time for your work, your love ones and yourself. Start off with planning your calendar and diary and make sure you look at it everyday and stick with it. Doing it with a friend that is equally or more motivated is also a great idea as you can both motivate each other and start doing things together (ie. healthy cooking or exercise activities).
5. Do something you find meaningful in your spare time
Happiness comes from achieving a positive sense of wellbeing and achievement, and this can occur from developing relationships with people. When we believe that we have helped another person in a certain way, chemicals in our brain actually react and make us feel good about ourselves in a selfless kind of way. Meaningful ways to spend your time include spending time with your kids learning a new skill (ie. cooking), volunteering at the local dogs shelter or elderly homes, visiting a friend in hospital, going to see your grandparents/parents that you haven’t seen for a while, catching up with a friend that you know is going through a hard time, or assisting the new colleague of yours in finishing up his project. There are countless of meaningful activities that you could be doing and enjoying in your spare time. Remember, the meaning of life is to live a life of purpose and you can only get the most out of your life if you can manage all aspects of your life that are important to you.
I hope this article has been useful to you and all the best!
***Article posted from youroptihealthsite.com
Nowadays with busy work schedules, overtime work, deadlines, further/extra studies, kids, rising petrol prices, inflation, social obligations, house chores, mortgage repayments, etc, it is getting harder and harder for many people to stay healthy, stress-free and happy. Many of us end up disregarding our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing just to ensure we stay on top of things (or so we think) and that the bills are paid for, our project deadlines are met, our kids go to private schools, etc.
What many people fail to consider is: What is the point of doing all of this if you’re not going to enjoy and live a happy life?
Living a balanced lifestyle is the key to ensuring that you can have time for yourself, your work, your friends, your family and time to enjoy life and the people and things around you. Admittedly, achieving one is easier said than to be done. But if you are discipline and really try to challenge yourself, you will get there and you would never want to look back.
To help you along your journey, I have listed out some simple tips and ways to go about balancing your life, work and commitments.
1. Indulge in yourself
By indulging and taking care of yourself, this can significantly reduce your stress levels and clear your mind so that you’re in a better frame of mind to tackle any issues, problems and unexpected challenges that pop up along the way. Reduction of stress is important as high levels of stress have been shown to significantly impact negatively on one’s mental and emotional health. Hence, as part of a balanced lifestyle, activities that are stress-reducing are important and I have listed out a few ideas to get you started.
- If you have the money and time, go for a massage or spa to pamper yourself. There is nothing better than having a professional masseuse nut out all the knots on your back and shoulders. You will feel energized and rejuvenated after an hour’s long indulgence.
- Get up slightly earlier in the morning and take your time to use the bathroom, brush your hair, stretch and apply your make up (if you use make up) before everyone else wakes up. The few extra minutes of quietness in the morning can be extremely therapeutic and relaxing before the day really begins.
- Savor your breakfast and cup of coffee/tea. If you don’t normally have breakfast, this should be the very first thing you change. Eating breakfast is extremely important as it has health and energy benefits and can help increase concentration and assist in weight loss. So in the morning when you’re eating your food, chew slowly on it, sip your coffee and really appreciate the taste and aroma. Sometimes, it is the simple pleasures in life that can really make the long day ahead seem much more manageable.
- If you’re time-constrained and your hobbies include things like running, playing angry birds on your iphone, going for a walk, reading a good book, listening to music, knitting, making craft, etc. Do this during your lunch break. If you have something due soon but you feel your brain is fried, take that break (even if it is just for half and hour) and engage in an activity you love. It will give your brain a chance to relax and re-energise so that by the time you hit your work desk again, you would be in a more optimum and efficient mindset to tackle your work.
- If you absolutely cannot afford to take a 30 min break, lean back on your chair, close your eyes and zone out for 5 – 10 mins. Daydream about positive things such as the amazing dinner you’re going to be having tonight, the dinner you have scheduled to see your best friend or the weekend coming up. Think happy thoughts and when you open your eyes, straighten your posture, smile and get back to work. You will be surprise at how simple things can really boost your energy, approach and motivation.
Since we take time to indulge in ourselves, as part of a balanced lifestyle, we must also take time to care for ourselves. Caring for ourselves and our body involves eating a balanced diet and being active (ie. exercise). Approaching this with a positive can-do attitude will also make things a lot easier, and in combination with these ideas, you will be on your way to achieving a balanced lifestyle in no time.
Eat a Well-Balanced Diet
Remember this phase: “Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness” (Edward Stanley). The reason why eating well is so essential for a balanced lifestyle is because having a balanced diet will ensure that your body is functioning well, you have more energy for your day and you will have a lower chance of falling sick or developing any illnesses/diseases. There are a million and one things that could go wrong if you continuously indulge in an unhealthy diet but it is outside the scope of this article. If you’re interested and would like to read up more on it, I would recommend you to read up on the other articles such as Nutritional & Vitamin deficiency: What is it and how to avoid it and A Balanced Diet: What is it and how to achieve it?
- Ensure that your home is always stocked with ready to eat fruits and vegetables so you can quickly grab them as you head out of your house to begin your day
- Plan ahead so you always know roughly what you’re going to be eating for your meals. This reduces the chance of you wanting to have take-away food and unhealthy home deliveries.
- During your afternoon tea break/5 min break from your work, google some healthy, easy to make recipes. There are a million of recipes out there and looking and the pictures will guarantee not only to relax you, but to also get you pumped and excited to try out your new dish at dinner tonight.
- 3 meals a day. Especially breakfast. Enough said.
- Eat in moderation. And this does mean enjoying the occasional cake, KFC meal, Big Mac or pizza delivery when you feel that you have been treating your body right for the majority of the time! Remember, we are not going on a diet; we are aiming to have a lifestyle change which means no strict diets or regime. Just honest good ways to live a little healthier and enjoy a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.
- Get cooking with the kids. Set aside a day of the week where you get your kids involved in the kitchen. Get creative and make healthy fun meals together. Not only are you making sure that you and your family eats well, but you will be subconsciously passing on the importance of healthy eating to your kids.
- Don’t follow the crowd: If your workmates or friends around you love to eat fried foods, take-away and unhealthy meals, you don’t have to follow them! Recognise that you can be healthier than the people around you and enjoy looking after yourself.
Exercise is not only a fantastic way to reduce stress, it is great for the waist line, your skin, mental health and ensuring that your bodily functions are at their optimum. If you’re “too busy” for exercise, schedule it like how you will schedule your other work appointments and social events. By committing it down on your calendar, you are more likely to stick with it and be motivated to do it. Make sure that the exercise is something you love to do. So for example, if you don’t like running or hitting the gym, go for a bike ride instead. Or try something new like dancing, zumba, rock climbing, etc. Be creative! There are so many other options out there besides hitting the gym.
3. Prioritise your life
To enjoy a balanced lifestyle, you need to manage all aspects of your life: Work, health, fitness, relationships, family and mental well-being. However, realistically, it can get unbelievably hard to manage all aspects of this and become bogged down with one aspect (ie. work) and ignore the rest (ie. your diet or time spent with your loved ones). Therefore, it is vital that you take some steps and tips to ensure you maintain on top of things so that you can enjoy all areas of your life.
- Be forward thinking and organized
Plan and think ahead at the start of each week to assess what events are coming up. Make sure you dedicate adequate time to finishing up your work and assign quality time for yourself; this includes scheduling time for exercise, social events and “Me-time”. A good trick to do is to overestimate the amount of time you need to complete a task (ie. if you realistically think it will take 3 hours to finish a report, estimate that it will take 4 hours instead), this will ensure you have more than enough time to deliver high quality work, spend high quality time with your friends and yourself. If the task/event took lesser time than budgeted, you now have some extra spare time that you can use to either start on the next task, have a break, or catch up with your friends! - Expect the unexpected and the worst case scenario
Things unfortunately do not always go according to plan, and when this happens, many of us end up stressing over it and start doing things that may not be healthy to your body and mental well-being. By expecting the worst case scenario, you can actively take steps to ensure that that scenario doesn’t take place or that you have a Plan B ready should anything go wrong. This is also another reason why overestimating the amount of time you need to complete a task is very useful as it provides you with a time buffer to fix anything should things not work out the way you planned.
When you’re contented, you can actually properly enjoy every moment of your life and savor the things that are important to you. Many people get caught up in the whole materialistic world which can drive them to work more and more hours which consequently impacts negatively on their health, emotional wellbeing, and relationships with their love ones. It is important to distinguish between a want and a need because lets face it, most of the time, we do not really NEED that new BMW car, we just want it for superficial reasons. Again prioritising what is important to you (because everyone is different) is important as you will be able to have a holistic view on what is important and what you need to work and aim for.
As with everything (especially at the start), living a balanced lifestyle can be challenging to achieve as it requires you to change your current lifestyle. Being disciplined and committed is so important in ensuring that you permanently and sustainably having a healthy diet, an exercise routine and enough time for your work, your love ones and yourself. Start off with planning your calendar and diary and make sure you look at it everyday and stick with it. Doing it with a friend that is equally or more motivated is also a great idea as you can both motivate each other and start doing things together (ie. healthy cooking or exercise activities).
5. Do something you find meaningful in your spare time
Happiness comes from achieving a positive sense of wellbeing and achievement, and this can occur from developing relationships with people. When we believe that we have helped another person in a certain way, chemicals in our brain actually react and make us feel good about ourselves in a selfless kind of way. Meaningful ways to spend your time include spending time with your kids learning a new skill (ie. cooking), volunteering at the local dogs shelter or elderly homes, visiting a friend in hospital, going to see your grandparents/parents that you haven’t seen for a while, catching up with a friend that you know is going through a hard time, or assisting the new colleague of yours in finishing up his project. There are countless of meaningful activities that you could be doing and enjoying in your spare time. Remember, the meaning of life is to live a life of purpose and you can only get the most out of your life if you can manage all aspects of your life that are important to you.
I hope this article has been useful to you and all the best!
***Article posted from youroptihealthsite.com
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Physical Challenge: Choose the Fruit
The grocery store aisle boasts of amazing options in the summer...so many fruit choices are flooding the market and taste so good. The physical challenge today revolves around eating options and trying something new. We recently grilled out and tossed some fresh pineapples slices on the grill...yummy! The pineapple was good and stood on it's own as a great side dish.
Some of the guests said they never would have thought to grill the pineapple and had never even had it before. It was more popular than the burgers...
Today's Challenge: Enjoy the season of fruit...try something you've never had--skip the high calorie cupcakes and dive into the refreshing mango, papayas, melons and berries! Choose the healthy options.
Challenge Issued!
Some of the guests said they never would have thought to grill the pineapple and had never even had it before. It was more popular than the burgers...
Today's Challenge: Enjoy the season of fruit...try something you've never had--skip the high calorie cupcakes and dive into the refreshing mango, papayas, melons and berries! Choose the healthy options.
Challenge Issued!
Spiritual Challenge: TOTAL Surrender
One of my favorite hymns is "I Surrender All"...what powerful words! If we examine our hearts we must determine if we truly are surrender to our Savior. Have we surrendered--
1. Our hearts--putting HIM first
2. Our time--spending quality time with HIM in study or prayer
3. Our bodies--as HIS temple and maintaining it properly
4. Our everything....this list could go on and on...but we have to truly surrender all things to GOD-the peace and joy that will be experienced with true surrender with take you to new heights spiritually.
Today's Challenge: Examine your schedule and heart--have you Surrendered IT ALL! If not consider today your new starting point and accept this challenge! Accept Christ and the relationship you can have with HIM and the joy and peace that will follow!
Challenge Issued!
1. Our hearts--putting HIM first
2. Our time--spending quality time with HIM in study or prayer
3. Our bodies--as HIS temple and maintaining it properly
4. Our everything....this list could go on and on...but we have to truly surrender all things to GOD-the peace and joy that will be experienced with true surrender with take you to new heights spiritually.
Today's Challenge: Examine your schedule and heart--have you Surrendered IT ALL! If not consider today your new starting point and accept this challenge! Accept Christ and the relationship you can have with HIM and the joy and peace that will follow!
Challenge Issued!
Family Challenge: Take A WALK!
Scheduled family time is critical in building relationships. It doesn't have to be big just make it happen.
Today's Challenge: Implement a walk once a week to explore, talk, teach your kids or other family members about being healthy and exercising. Just walk the block-no phone will ring-no alarm will sound-it is just what you need to help build those relationships!
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Implement a walk once a week to explore, talk, teach your kids or other family members about being healthy and exercising. Just walk the block-no phone will ring-no alarm will sound-it is just what you need to help build those relationships!
Challenge Issued!
Saturday: 30 Minutes-What a Difference
Blog readers...so sorry for my delays...as ya'll know life gets in the way-so today I'll catch up on Challenges and get back on track!
This upcoming week my husband will be gone and I've tried to figure out how I can make life happen with ballgames, gymnastics a 2-year old, and work-WOW! What's harder to believe is that I have a friend who's schedule is 3 times as hard as mine. I reworked my board to include meal and event columns and when I turned around from my 15 minutes of planning the toy bomb went off in my house.
The entire week would be a crazy mess unless I stayed on top of my housework at least a little. Soooo...for all those busy weeks-here's your challenge.
This Week's Organizational Challenge: Spend 30 minutes each day picking up the little messes. Making this happen each day won't clean the entire house but it will at least help you stay on top of things till time allows for more!
Challenge Issued!
This upcoming week my husband will be gone and I've tried to figure out how I can make life happen with ballgames, gymnastics a 2-year old, and work-WOW! What's harder to believe is that I have a friend who's schedule is 3 times as hard as mine. I reworked my board to include meal and event columns and when I turned around from my 15 minutes of planning the toy bomb went off in my house.
The entire week would be a crazy mess unless I stayed on top of my housework at least a little. Soooo...for all those busy weeks-here's your challenge.
This Week's Organizational Challenge: Spend 30 minutes each day picking up the little messes. Making this happen each day won't clean the entire house but it will at least help you stay on top of things till time allows for more!
Challenge Issued!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Shhhh! It's a Secret!
Trust is one of the most crucial elements in a relationship. Whether it's a friend, spouse, teenager or whomever when they ask you to keep it to yourself-You should! It's tough to rebuild that bridge of trust once it's been torn down-so just Shhhh! Keep it to yourself-when you find someone who does-they are your true friend!
Even if it doesn't seem like a big deal to you it is to someone else!
Today's Challenge: Be confidential! Be the one that others can trust and keep it to yourself!
Challenge Issued!
Even if it doesn't seem like a big deal to you it is to someone else!
Today's Challenge: Be confidential! Be the one that others can trust and keep it to yourself!
Challenge Issued!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
RicherU: It's Never To Early to Plan for Retirement
The earlier you start the better...whether you are running a race, starting your day or planning/saving for your retirement. The gray hair of retirement days will sneak up on you sooner than you think. It often appears that you aren't making much progress but remember this is a Tortise running the race so slow and steady will win big.
Today's Challenge: Read the email note from Dave Ramsey about retirement blues and know there is a beautiful silver lining to your retirement blues! Get a plan and start as soon as possible.
Shake Off Your
Retirement Blues Since responsible and successful investing takes years to see results, it's easy to feel like you're not making any progress. Don't be discouraged. Read why. |
investing is a long-term endeavor. And, as is true with almost anything
that takes many years to see results, it's easy to feel like you're not
making any progress toward your goal, especially in the early years.
Don't be discouraged. We're about to show you how to shake off those retirement blues with a long-term retirement investing plan that will pay off the closer you get to retirement.
How Money Grows
long-term investing, your interest, or your investment growth in the
case of mutual funds, compounds over time. The growth of that growth is
the secret ingredient for successful retirement investing.
Take a look at this chart. It shows the growth of a mutual fund investor who invests $7,500 a year for 30 years. He's chosen good growth stock mutual funds with a history of great performance, so he will average 12%—the same as the long-term growth rate of the stock market as a whole. His goal is to have $2 million by the time he retires. Will he meet his goal? After 10 years of investing, his balance is a little more than $145,000. He's used up a third of his time, but he's only saved 7% of his goal. But our investor keeps his nose to the grindstone, and 20 years after he started investing, his balance is almost $625,000. Not bad, but still less than a third of his goal—and he only has 10 years left! Would you believe he's only four years away from having $1 million? In the last six years of investing, our example investor's retirement fund will double to $2,206,000! That's the power of compound interest and disciplined investing.
What Does It Mean for Your Retirement?
Our example highlights two important facts:
Get Professional Advice for a Plan That Will Last
you don't yet have a retirement plan, don't put it off any longer. An
experienced investing advisor can help you set a retirement savings goal
and show you how to get started on your long-term plan.
Dave's investing Endorsed Local Providers (ELPs) are trustworthy experts who will answer your questions about retirement investing and help you stick to your plan for the long haul. Find your ELP today! |
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
SmarterU Challenge: Enroll Today!
I hope readers have enjoyed the month on Leadership Challenges...getting nuggets of wisdom from those who are leading top companies and and our nation will make a SmarterU! Continuing education is a key factor in learning and exploring the world around you. Branch out and make the move to enroll in a class-whether it art, history, yoga. Just do it! Be a SmarterU by committing yourself to higher education.
Today's Challenge: Check out your local colleges, your community centers and see what classes they are offering this summer and choose one and enroll.
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Check out your local colleges, your community centers and see what classes they are offering this summer and choose one and enroll.
Challenge Issued!
Physical Challenge: Importance of REST!
This past weekend was incredibly busy. I think I only slept a total of 10 hours between Friday and Saturday night. We had jam-packed days and we were exhausted as a family. On Monday around 11:30 my cell phone rang and it was our daycare calling. My son was running a fever and had a headache. I picked him gave him some meds and he rested at the house for the rest of the day.
"Why?" am I telling you this little story...because I truly believe my son was just tired. His body was spent and he needed the downtime. It happens to all of us no matter the age. I truly believe that if you aren't getting enough sleep it will take it toll on your entire being.
Below are six reason not to scrimp on sleep published by Harvard Women's Health Watch.
The Harvard Women’s Health Watch suggests six reasons to get enough sleep:
Challenge Issued!
"Why?" am I telling you this little story...because I truly believe my son was just tired. His body was spent and he needed the downtime. It happens to all of us no matter the age. I truly believe that if you aren't getting enough sleep it will take it toll on your entire being.
Below are six reason not to scrimp on sleep published by Harvard Women's Health Watch.
The Harvard Women’s Health Watch suggests six reasons to get enough sleep:
- Learning and memory: Sleep helps the brain commit new information to memory through a process called memory consolidation. In studies, people who’d slept after learning a task did better on tests later.
- Metabolism and weight: Chronic sleep deprivation may cause weight gain by affecting the way our bodies process and store carbohydrates, and by altering levels of hormones that affect our appetite.
- Safety: Sleep debt contributes to a greater tendency to fall asleep during the daytime. These lapses may cause falls and mistakes such as medical errors, air traffic mishaps, and road accidents.
- Mood: Sleep loss may result in irritability, impatience, inability to concentrate, and moodiness. Too little sleep can also leave you too tired to do the things you like to do.
- Cardiovascular health: Serious sleep disorders have been linked to hypertension, increased stress hormone levels, and irregular heartbeat.
- Disease: Sleep deprivation alters immune function, including the activity of the body’s killer cells. Keeping up with sleep may also help fight cancer.
Challenge Issued!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Spiritual Challenge: Are You Breathing!
When you rise in the morning...what are your first thoughts or what are you saying with your first words?
1. Where's the coffee?
2. Is that the cat or the kids?
3. Seriously honey?
4. Shut that thing off--still dreaming?
5. Amazing I made it thru the night?
I am breathing--let me praise you LORD!
Today's Challenge: Live out Psalms 150:6..."Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the LORD." Make your first breath each morning count--Praise the one who gave it to U!
Challenge Issued!
1. Where's the coffee?
2. Is that the cat or the kids?
3. Seriously honey?
4. Shut that thing off--still dreaming?
5. Amazing I made it thru the night?
I am breathing--let me praise you LORD!
Today's Challenge: Live out Psalms 150:6..."Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the LORD." Make your first breath each morning count--Praise the one who gave it to U!
Challenge Issued!
Family Challenge: Trading Places
As the parent or wife or sister--I don't always take the time to step into the other person's shoes and adjust my view. How often do you tell your kids to clean their room and you see 20 minutes of mess--they see 2 hours of mess and feel overwhelmed. What about listening to your sick mom on the phone receiver or a worried cousin...are you taking the time to really see if from their side?
Today's Challenge: Step out of your shoes and open your eyes wider...listen to your family members challenges and Trade Places...get on your kids level and see the room from 36 inches. Add 30 years to your life and consider what having a head cold for 2 weeks feels like then. TRADE PLACES!
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Step out of your shoes and open your eyes wider...listen to your family members challenges and Trade Places...get on your kids level and see the room from 36 inches. Add 30 years to your life and consider what having a head cold for 2 weeks feels like then. TRADE PLACES!
Challenge Issued!
Saturday--Organizational Challenges: Last Minute Worries
Most people will have some camp, mission trip or conference to attend at some point in time this summer or during the year. This challenge will help you be mindful that the "Needs List" can be more than you expect so don't be the last minute reader.
My 5-year-old daughter is taking her first trip to day-camp and like a good mom I want to make sure she has EVERYTHING she may remotely needs. She'll be at camp from 9:00 to 4:00 each day and home at night. When I pulled up the email that detailed all the items she needed I was sent into scramble mode--yikes...special pool shoes and bedding--let's do laundry and make a trip to the store at 9:00pm.
Lesson learned!
Today's Challenge: Read all those "Needs List" one week in advance. Give yourself plenty of time to make all necessary purchases and adjust if need be--you'll be a more OrganizeU!
Challenge Issued!
My 5-year-old daughter is taking her first trip to day-camp and like a good mom I want to make sure she has EVERYTHING she may remotely needs. She'll be at camp from 9:00 to 4:00 each day and home at night. When I pulled up the email that detailed all the items she needed I was sent into scramble mode--yikes...special pool shoes and bedding--let's do laundry and make a trip to the store at 9:00pm.
Lesson learned!
Today's Challenge: Read all those "Needs List" one week in advance. Give yourself plenty of time to make all necessary purchases and adjust if need be--you'll be a more OrganizeU!
Challenge Issued!
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