I've made a list of what makes a successful Easter Sunday! These are a must have....
1. Empty Tomb-Living Jesus
2. Special time with family-this includes church family
3. Great meal
4. Nap
Today's Challenge: If your Easter didn't rock why? Evaluate the list-not everyone gets the nap...but look hard-what is missing? Don't let this special time pass without reflection.
If it's #1-it's something you can't live without! Learn who Jesus was and is and begin to look forward to the next Easter.
Challenge Issued!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Organizational Challenge: Life With Lemonade!
Saturdays organizational challenge is being posted late due to the crazy pop-ups that have jumped into my perfectly planned and listed week. Yes-I made the list and yet I was up till 1:00 am still working on things for Easter Sunday. Some things I did procrastinate on...but life servdd me a few lemons too...leaving late and many other tiny pop-ups jumped into my perfectly organized Saturday.
You can't let things rattle you.
Today's Past Due Challenge: When life gives you lemons-make lemonade! It might not be the Cherry Punch you wanted but it will still refresh you and get the job done! Push thru and finish tasks- Don't give up!
Challenge Issued!
You can't let things rattle you.
Today's Past Due Challenge: When life gives you lemons-make lemonade! It might not be the Cherry Punch you wanted but it will still refresh you and get the job done! Push thru and finish tasks- Don't give up!
Challenge Issued!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Relationship Challenge: Children Are the Future
You may not have children in your life or even like kids but seriously---you were there once and they are the future. They could possibly be saving your life one day as a medical professional or may discover the cure for cancer. We never know what the future holds for children but we do know that impacting them can make a different. Change the future for the better today.
Relationship Challenge: Impact a child's life today in a positive way-give them 5 minutes of your time and make a difference. You may provide them with the only positive words they hear. Don't dismiss the child, but invest in a lasting legacy.
Challenge Issued!
Relationship Challenge: Impact a child's life today in a positive way-give them 5 minutes of your time and make a difference. You may provide them with the only positive words they hear. Don't dismiss the child, but invest in a lasting legacy.
Challenge Issued!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Make or Save-You Choose
Last week your financial challenge motivated you to check the thrift shop for great deals for your Easter wardrobe...with Spring in the air and the weather getting nice it's time to hit the streets and check out the Yard Sales!
Not only can you find great deals on but what about having a Yard Sale...make some extra cash-yes it's work but they can be fun family time and a great way to make your summer vacation funds.
Today's Challenge: Two Parts
1. Check your local paper for Yard Sales-if you need large items or are interested in
getting some great deals-keep your eyes peeled for the Family/Block/Estate Sales and check them out. Besides the weather's nice and hidden treasures could await you.
2. Consider choosing a date and hosting a Yard Sale--Make some extra cash/Reduce clutter/Family Acitivity
Either way-you can't loose!
Challenge Issued!
Not only can you find great deals on but what about having a Yard Sale...make some extra cash-yes it's work but they can be fun family time and a great way to make your summer vacation funds.
Today's Challenge: Two Parts
1. Check your local paper for Yard Sales-if you need large items or are interested in
getting some great deals-keep your eyes peeled for the Family/Block/Estate Sales and check them out. Besides the weather's nice and hidden treasures could await you.
2. Consider choosing a date and hosting a Yard Sale--Make some extra cash/Reduce clutter/Family Acitivity
Either way-you can't loose!
Challenge Issued!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
SmarterU Challenge: Sports Madness Challenge
Let's dig into our passion for sports today.
Today's Challenge: Spend 20-30 minutes researching your favorite sport. Who are the athletes that forged history? Major milestones? Etc. Why is it called and labeled March Madness-who started the phrase?
There are so many cool things you could learn about your favorite sport. Enjoy this educational challenge and be a SmarterU!
Challenge Issued!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
HealitherU: Just Get Started!
Who doesn't want to feel better? There are days that you just want to stay in bed and pull the covers back up for no real reason-you just want to feel better-emotional or physically. The biggest battle is just getting up and moving.
Once you've got started- don't stop there. Face your day with "glass 1/2 full" approach. It is hard to do sometimes but it's worth it.
Today's Challenge: "Carpe Diem"! Seize the day with excitement-when you wake up don't just lay there-throw the covers back and think-what amazing feat can a accomplish today? Who is in my pathway for me to POSITIVELY impact? Get up knowing the day is valuable-don't waste it!
Challenge Issued!
Once you've got started- don't stop there. Face your day with "glass 1/2 full" approach. It is hard to do sometimes but it's worth it.
Today's Challenge: "Carpe Diem"! Seize the day with excitement-when you wake up don't just lay there-throw the covers back and think-what amazing feat can a accomplish today? Who is in my pathway for me to POSITIVELY impact? Get up knowing the day is valuable-don't waste it!
Challenge Issued!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Spritual Challenge: Passion Week Rocks!
Easter week for me is like Christmas for a child! I LOOOVVVEEE IT! I get to ponder one of the greatest events in history! This week is the time Jesus rode into Jerusalem and died for me and then proved his MIGHTY POWER by rising and trumping death--this is one of the greatest weeks of the year!
Today's Challenge: This week read the chapters in the Gospels detailing the week to prepare your heart for truly AMAZING LOVE which is what our FATHER has for us. Today's challenge may take you all week to read the different sections but it will bless you-stretch you-impress you!
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: This week read the chapters in the Gospels detailing the week to prepare your heart for truly AMAZING LOVE which is what our FATHER has for us. Today's challenge may take you all week to read the different sections but it will bless you-stretch you-impress you!
Challenge Issued!
Family Challenge: Brace Yourself!
Family members--there are those you love and those you love to only see once a year. No matter which category they fall into they are part of you...and helped make you the person you are today. One thing that you can admit about yourself and them is that we often offer unsolicited advice. Whether it's about parenting, cooking, holidays--no matter it's coming!
Today's Challenge: With major family time around the corner--brace yourself for the Unsolicited Advice and just roll with it. It's not really worth the drama you'll create or be part of...
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: With major family time around the corner--brace yourself for the Unsolicited Advice and just roll with it. It's not really worth the drama you'll create or be part of...
Challenge Issued!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Organizational Challenge: Don't wait on the Easter Bunny
My daughter's first Easter I waited till the last minute to buy her special stuffed Easter Bunny. I walked into a grocery store at 10:00 pm looking for the perfect rabbit for her basket. I felt like a total loser as a mother. Guess what-I repeated the same thing the next year searching for my son's 'special first Easter Bunny" the day before. You would have thought I would have learned.
The Holidays are special events that require detailed attention and execution. Don't race around Wal-Mart at midnight picking out of the leftovers. Be intentional and organized this holiday.
Today's Challenge: Make a special holiday list for Easter-plan things out over the whole week instead of doing them all in one day. When will you dye eggs? Shop for Easter outfits? Get candy? Prepare desserts for dinner? Schedule it out over the week and you'll be able to enjoy the holiday and maybe even see the Easter Bunny this year.
Challenge Issued!
The Holidays are special events that require detailed attention and execution. Don't race around Wal-Mart at midnight picking out of the leftovers. Be intentional and organized this holiday.
Today's Challenge: Make a special holiday list for Easter-plan things out over the whole week instead of doing them all in one day. When will you dye eggs? Shop for Easter outfits? Get candy? Prepare desserts for dinner? Schedule it out over the week and you'll be able to enjoy the holiday and maybe even see the Easter Bunny this year.
Challenge Issued!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Developing Relationships: Invite & Conversate
Did you know that approximately 85% of the people invited to church on Easter Sunday will attend even if they don't regularly go to church. WOW! Easter Sunday is one of the biggest attendance days for unchurched people to venture out of their comfort zone and give it a whirl...but it really takes the invitation-they need to be invited!
Relationships start with small conversations and small moments in time that you spend with others. You have to be open to inviting someone to spend those moments with you and to opening yourself up. The most important relationship is the one you share with your Heavenly Father. Don't let Him down!
Today's Challenge/Entire Week Challenge: Start a small conversation and Invite someone to church on Easter Sunday! Be bold-Christ was for you!
Challenge Issued!
Relationships start with small conversations and small moments in time that you spend with others. You have to be open to inviting someone to spend those moments with you and to opening yourself up. The most important relationship is the one you share with your Heavenly Father. Don't let Him down!
Today's Challenge/Entire Week Challenge: Start a small conversation and Invite someone to church on Easter Sunday! Be bold-Christ was for you!
Challenge Issued!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Challenge #79: Being Thirfty & Save!
One of my favorite holidays is right around the corner and I love shopping for Easter. The adorable dresses, hats, sweater vest...you name and I want to dress my kids, husband and myself up in smashing outfits for Easter. A person could easily drop $300 on clothing for this one day eggstravaganza! To be a RicherU and gain momentum in your finances today's challenge will help you stretch your dollar when it comes to Easter shopping.
Today's Challenge: Instead of going department store--HIT THE THRIFT SHOP! Not only can you find great gently used items but you can also fine new things too.
Kids grow so fast so be conscience of the funds you are dropping on clothing that will only be good for a few short months. Be smart and check out your local thrift shop/Goodwill before hitting the mall or department store. Be sure to set a budget and I bet you can cut it in half by making your first stop a second hand shop.
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Instead of going department store--HIT THE THRIFT SHOP! Not only can you find great gently used items but you can also fine new things too.
Kids grow so fast so be conscience of the funds you are dropping on clothing that will only be good for a few short months. Be smart and check out your local thrift shop/Goodwill before hitting the mall or department store. Be sure to set a budget and I bet you can cut it in half by making your first stop a second hand shop.
often think that saving money is the meaning of thrift,
but in actuality thrift
is equally about reducing waste:
conserve water, reduce food waste, and find
ways to use your time
and money more wisely.
Challenge Issued!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Educational Challenge: On This Day!
Hear ye! Hear ye! On this day....amazing things have happened! I always think it's neat to get in the time machine of the Internet and go backwards and see what happened on a given day and think about how it may have shaped our future.
I am always reminded of the soilders who have fought for my freedom, the legal decisions that have been handed down whether good or bad and the current events that changed the health, fashion or sports worlds. Let's get smarter and glimpse back in time today on March 20 and see what's impacted us today!
Today's Challenge: Check out www.on-this-day.com and look thru the history of our lives. If any event stands out to you-do some extra reading on the topic. It will make interesting conversation pieces at work, make you appreciate others more and make a SmarterU!
Challenge Issued!
I am always reminded of the soilders who have fought for my freedom, the legal decisions that have been handed down whether good or bad and the current events that changed the health, fashion or sports worlds. Let's get smarter and glimpse back in time today on March 20 and see what's impacted us today!
Today's Challenge: Check out www.on-this-day.com and look thru the history of our lives. If any event stands out to you-do some extra reading on the topic. It will make interesting conversation pieces at work, make you appreciate others more and make a SmarterU!
Challenge Issued!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Fitness Challenge: Diversify
Tip Provided by Yo Expert...
Diversify your workouts. Your muscles need to be surprised. Constantly try new exercises and new variations on old exercises. Run, bike, swim, and then hop on the stair-master every once in a while. Most importantly, watch other people at the gym and learn by example. Get an idea for a new exercise every time you work out, and try it the next time.
As I was looking for new tips on how to loose the last few pounds I rand across the following link: http://healthy-living.yoexpert.com/healthy-living-general/what-are-some-important-physical-fitness-tips-2911.html
It listed 10 Physical Fitness Tips--several of which we have already covered--however, the one about diversifying your workout should be one to add to your list.
Today's Challenge: Examine your workout-what have you been doing for a while? What should you change to diversify? Implement 2 changes to make a difference and keep your body surprised!
Diversify your workouts. Your muscles need to be surprised. Constantly try new exercises and new variations on old exercises. Run, bike, swim, and then hop on the stair-master every once in a while. Most importantly, watch other people at the gym and learn by example. Get an idea for a new exercise every time you work out, and try it the next time.
As I was looking for new tips on how to loose the last few pounds I rand across the following link: http://healthy-living.yoexpert.com/healthy-living-general/what-are-some-important-physical-fitness-tips-2911.html
It listed 10 Physical Fitness Tips--several of which we have already covered--however, the one about diversifying your workout should be one to add to your list.
Today's Challenge: Examine your workout-what have you been doing for a while? What should you change to diversify? Implement 2 changes to make a difference and keep your body surprised!
Take Care of Your BODY. It's the only
place you have to LIVE.
Jim Rohn
Monday, March 18, 2013
Spiritual Challenge: Believe Your Brother
Brothers and sisters fight like cats and dogs. I believe even Jesus' family was the same...maybe not Jesus but his brothers and sisters were normal kids that probably fought just like kids today. My favorite book in the bible is James. James, was the brother of Jesus and didn't believe he was the Messiah until after the death, burial and resurrection.
And his brother believed! One of the main reasons I choose to believe that Jesus is My Savior is because his brother did. How simple a thought.
Today's Challenge: Come up with one normal reason why you believe in Jesus. If you are a reader that doesn't believe--do the opposite. But make it concrete-not abstract. You can't say because Jesus died for me or because science doesn't support creation...that's not legit!
1. We are talking just about Jesus.
2. There are lots of martyers
Eye witness accounts are concrete! Be specific.
Challenge Issued!
And his brother believed! One of the main reasons I choose to believe that Jesus is My Savior is because his brother did. How simple a thought.
Today's Challenge: Come up with one normal reason why you believe in Jesus. If you are a reader that doesn't believe--do the opposite. But make it concrete-not abstract. You can't say because Jesus died for me or because science doesn't support creation...that's not legit!
1. We are talking just about Jesus.
2. There are lots of martyers
Eye witness accounts are concrete! Be specific.
Challenge Issued!
Family Challenge: Safety Challenge
A billboard left a resounding message for me at 7:30 in the morning as I drove thru Dallas, TX it stated;
"The Best Choice You Could Make for Your Family: Buckle UP!"
Duh! I thought-who wouldn't buckle up to have the opportunity to watch their little ones graduate, get married, say their first words. Who would not take the seconds it takes to provide this small piece of security for themselves or family members.Then I paused for a moment and thought about other ways I can implement safety procedures for my family members.
Crazy things happen! No one wants them to but they do. How and what should you prepare your family to be ready for.
1. Fire
2. Children Get Lost
3. Allergies
4. Break-Ins
5. Car accident
This list could get long-quick. Let's implement family safeguards to protect those we love the most.
Today's Challenge: Choose 2 'crazy thing' that could happen and prepare your family for them. Do your children know important phone numbers? Their address? All these small things can be huge factors in scary moments.
Challenge Issued!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Organizational Challenge: 5 things I hate to Do!
We all should have the "five things I hate to do List we created to help us get more organized. You should have 3 things marked off the list. Today's the day to mark the 4th off! If you have lost that list. Just think how frustrated you get when we see "-----------------"! That's what you organize today!
For me it will be my children's closets. What is yours-outdoor shed, garage, cabinets? Just grin and bear it today and make it happen!
Challenge Issued!
For me it will be my children's closets. What is yours-outdoor shed, garage, cabinets? Just grin and bear it today and make it happen!
Challenge Issued!
Relationship Challenge: Swimming in the Deep
Often times we will make an internal decision to "Swim in the Deep" with someone...meaning we are going to walk with them thru a difficult time and even when it gets scary and hard we won't leave them. Friends and families with cancer have had to make difficult decisions together while barely treading water, being close to those who have lost a loved one and walking with them thru the rough times, most of us can all come up with a time when we were going to go deep with someone else.
Today's Challenge: Prepare yourself for the deep. How?
1. Be open to the opportunity
2. Realize You are not alone as the only support system
3. Point them to God
4. Have confidence it will end with the verdict our Father has chosen
5. Be strong, realistic yet optimistic always
We will all face the tough times of life at one time or another be ready to swim with someone else because one day tou may be needing someone to swim out and rescue you.
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Prepare yourself for the deep. How?
1. Be open to the opportunity
2. Realize You are not alone as the only support system
3. Point them to God
4. Have confidence it will end with the verdict our Father has chosen
5. Be strong, realistic yet optimistic always
We will all face the tough times of life at one time or another be ready to swim with someone else because one day tou may be needing someone to swim out and rescue you.
Challenge Issued!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Financial Challenge: Sticking To Your Plan
Many weeks ago-we set a financial plan in place to pay off debt and save. Today is a stop and check day. Have you stuck to your plan? Are you paying off debt, saving money and living on cash thru-out the week? If you have detoured from your plan-stop and re-evaluate and get back to it. If you never did a plan-do it today.
1. Evaluate total debt and put them in order from least to greatest.
2. Save 15% of your take-home
3. Calculate your grocery, gas, spending money,etc. your weekly living needs-get those amounts in cash in envelopes for the week or time period that works with your pay cycle.
4. Live on these amounts
What can you cut to get you there? Do you need expense cable? To eat out 4 times a week? Be honest with yourself-don't think the government will take care of you. They can't pay their own bills. Make a stand and be different!
Today's Challenge: Make your financial plan-or evaluate where you are-stay motivated and focused. Life is to short not to enjoy retirement! You can get there!
Challenge Issued!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Educational Challenge: Advancing your E-Savy Skills
Today I am going to recommend 3 different blog sites for you to check out. The purpose of this challenge is to get you looking on the Internet for other blogs that provide valuable information for your career, spiritual growth and self improvement.
Today's Challenge: Check out one of these blogs, read it today and grow!
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Check out one of these blogs, read it today and grow!
Challenge Issued!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Physical Challenge: Cut the Small Stuff
Watching what you eat can be difficult when you are out of your own kitchen. Physical health is about 70% what you eat and 20% exercise and 10% genetics. We all have our own vices when it comes to eating but we must work to eliminate them as much as possible. It's important to try and "Cut the Small Stuff".
Traveling this week-I've had to be very conscience of the choices I am making...and I decided to cut the small stuff to help be aware of whats going into my body. No butter, mayo, 1/2 size portions, eliminate sodas and Starbucks only once, even only eating one tortilla with my fajitas...What small food items can you cut? Be disciplined and make a choice to be a HealthierU!
Today's Challenge: Cut the Small Stuff-Eliminate the 'calorie giants' and stay disciplined!
Challenge Issued!
Traveling this week-I've had to be very conscience of the choices I am making...and I decided to cut the small stuff to help be aware of whats going into my body. No butter, mayo, 1/2 size portions, eliminate sodas and Starbucks only once, even only eating one tortilla with my fajitas...What small food items can you cut? Be disciplined and make a choice to be a HealthierU!
Today's Challenge: Cut the Small Stuff-Eliminate the 'calorie giants' and stay disciplined!
Challenge Issued!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Spiritual Challenge: "Have Your Way with the Strange"
My post is crazy late today because I am traveling and attending a ministry conference with my husband. This conference would not have been my first choice...however, I am excited to expierence this with him and looking forward to what The Lord will teach me. As I sit in the chair in a strange place, with strangers and hearing some of the strangest conversations I must stop myself and ask, "God is this where you want me...have your way in my heart, life and all my actions."
If we stop and just give God his time and really pray, "Have your Way...not my will but yours" God will stretch you in all areas. He's full of adventure, wisdom and entertainment; yet He's compassionate, full of grace and understanding of our hesitations and fears. Listen and be led to the strange places-dive in to the deep conversations and be fearless for Him!
Today's Challenge: Go to the strange and different be brave not hesitant-Pray for God to Have His Way! Then be prepared to be amazed.
Challenge Issued!
If we stop and just give God his time and really pray, "Have your Way...not my will but yours" God will stretch you in all areas. He's full of adventure, wisdom and entertainment; yet He's compassionate, full of grace and understanding of our hesitations and fears. Listen and be led to the strange places-dive in to the deep conversations and be fearless for Him!
Today's Challenge: Go to the strange and different be brave not hesitant-Pray for God to Have His Way! Then be prepared to be amazed.
Challenge Issued!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Family Challenge: Laying It All Out!
As a mom I often lay out my kids clothes, pack for my husband and breakdown our days hour by hour. I feel like I'm always laying it all out...even emotionally sometimes. Do you feel the same way-like you are just spent over all the tasks and even people---even family!
We are often called to lay it all out for our family and without any recognition.
Today's Challenge: Just Do It! Lay it all out for your family. If I look at the greatest family man ever-GOD, he laid it all out for us. Rise to the occasion and do the same. Sometimes it's tough but dig deep-be filled with grace-and "Lay It All Out"!
Challenge Issued!
We are often called to lay it all out for our family and without any recognition.
Today's Challenge: Just Do It! Lay it all out for your family. If I look at the greatest family man ever-GOD, he laid it all out for us. Rise to the occasion and do the same. Sometimes it's tough but dig deep-be filled with grace-and "Lay It All Out"!
Challenge Issued!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Organizational Challenge: Let's Talk Safety
Last night I spent an hour cleaning out my car...it was a mess! Due to the time I didn't clean out all the additional little compartments but it sure needs it.
I've noticed getting in a clean car tends to help you be more timely and can even lead to safer driving habits. If you aren't digging thru trash in your passenger seat for a CD or can see all your mirrors clearly it will help you and others on the road.
Today's Challenge: Clean out and Organize Your Car! Decrease stress and live a safer life. Make it a habit and spend 20 minutes tidying up your car each Saturday. This will be a practice you won't regret!
Challenge Issued!
I've noticed getting in a clean car tends to help you be more timely and can even lead to safer driving habits. If you aren't digging thru trash in your passenger seat for a CD or can see all your mirrors clearly it will help you and others on the road.
Today's Challenge: Clean out and Organize Your Car! Decrease stress and live a safer life. Make it a habit and spend 20 minutes tidying up your car each Saturday. This will be a practice you won't regret!
Challenge Issued!
Friday, March 8, 2013
Challenge 66: Let Go and Be Rewarded!
Possibly one of the hardest things to do is say, "I'm sorry...". Relationships are made up of two people and sometimes I'm sorry can cure the hurt and help you move forward. It takes a big person to apologize and admit they may have been wrong and the same sized person needs to admit they had fault and forgive. It's a two-way street. Once the words have been uttered in forgiveness--let it go and don't revisit it!
Today's Challenge: Examine your relationships and don't hesitate to apologize!
You may not have anyone right now that has been hurt, so applying this in the future may make more sense. Really, sometimes you may not be in the wrong, but the person and relationship means more than the prideful feeling of not apologizing. Is there someone you may have hurt. Don't store it up and be angry let it go and be rewarded!
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Examine your relationships and don't hesitate to apologize!
You may not have anyone right now that has been hurt, so applying this in the future may make more sense. Really, sometimes you may not be in the wrong, but the person and relationship means more than the prideful feeling of not apologizing. Is there someone you may have hurt. Don't store it up and be angry let it go and be rewarded!
Challenge Issued!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Financial Challenge: Learn To Live on Less
“Money is the opposite of the weather. Nobody talks about it,
but everybody does something about it.”
Rebecca Johnson
We get so accustomed to having this particular soap or shampoo and someone would probably have a major breakdown if you switched their coffee brand. But honestly can you be content with Folgers instead of Starbucks? It would save you about $3 at the grocery store each time.
Part of the balancing act of managing your finances is learning to be content. Contentment to live on a little less and not have to 'keep up with the Jones' is a key in helping get ahead financially. Moving from a big city where the Jones were on every corner to a small town where some 'favorite' items just aren't available has forced me to 'live on less'. It has truly begin to breed contentment in my heart with what I have. And I learned I didn't really 'need' the items I was constantly working to secure.
I don't need 'name brand' jeans or a purse that cost $200+. I can be satisfied with my cute thrift shop buy and no name jeans that look the same at 1/2 the price.
Today's Challenge: Evaluate your lifestyle. Choose one expense and eliminate it! Down-grade your cable, choose to buy off brands...let contentment with what you've already been blessed with reign in your heart and Choose to Live on Less.
Challenge Issued!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Smarter U: Stretch Yourself in Reading
Recently I was asked to join a book club...great I thought...I don't have time to read other people's books just the ones I want...and the list right now is 4 deep so when am I going to make this happen.
Despite my internal protests I decided to dive in and get to reading this "random" book selected by the leader. I wasn't for sure what to think at first. It was fiction--something I don't usually read. The book was also about magic not a topic I would choose. Now that I am almost finished with the book I am glad I've stretched myself and committed to reading it.
We must never lock ourselves in a box and keep the world around us at a distance. We need to be willing to follow in order to be a good leader and open our minds us to the artistic ability of others without judging.
Today's Challenge: Select a short book--out of your norm to read. Hopefully you have finished the other book you started...make this one short. Maybe choose a high school favorite to re-read. Select one you can read in 2 weeks.
Stretch Yourself...
Challenge Issued!
Despite my internal protests I decided to dive in and get to reading this "random" book selected by the leader. I wasn't for sure what to think at first. It was fiction--something I don't usually read. The book was also about magic not a topic I would choose. Now that I am almost finished with the book I am glad I've stretched myself and committed to reading it.
We must never lock ourselves in a box and keep the world around us at a distance. We need to be willing to follow in order to be a good leader and open our minds us to the artistic ability of others without judging.
Today's Challenge: Select a short book--out of your norm to read. Hopefully you have finished the other book you started...make this one short. Maybe choose a high school favorite to re-read. Select one you can read in 2 weeks.
Stretch Yourself...
Challenge Issued!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Physical Challenge: Stress Elimination
One major thing that can cause you to live a longer and healthier life is controling the stress in your life. You can bust out a serious work-outs to eliminate stress or practice some breathing techniques but the most important thing is working to decrease or control the levels of stress.
Increased stress can lead to weight gain, heart problems, depression and so many other health risks.
Listed below is a list of 10 things that can help eliminate stress in your life from Gretechen Rubin author of "The Happiness Project" and "Happier at Home" gives the following 10 tips on her blog.
1. Keep some cash in the house. For years, I badgered my husband to get cash so we had cash in the house. Finally, light dawned: Why did I get to decide that this was his problem? Now I get cash when we need a reserve, and I feel much better.
2. Never let your car’s gas level fall into the “empty” zone. Special note to my fellow under-buyers: if you can afford it, fill the tank! Save yourself from having to return to the gas station in two days.
3. Have an over-the-counter pain reliever at hand at all times.
4. Put your keys away in the same place every day. This sounds so easy — and it is. It will make you so happy.
5. Turn out the light as soon as you’re sleepy. Since I started my happiness project, I’ve become a sleep nut. Getting enough sleep makes a huge difference in my sense of energy and cheerfulness.
6. Walk around the block.
7. Take ten minutes before bed to tidy up.
8. If you have to pack a lunch for anyone, get it ready the night before.
9. Have at least one good friend who lives in the neighborhood.
10. Make your bed. This sounds trivial, I know — but try it, it really helps!
Challenge Issued!
Increased stress can lead to weight gain, heart problems, depression and so many other health risks.
Today's Challenge: Choose three things and implement them to help eliminate stress in your life. Do some internet research, read a book, but make this important step to help decrease stress and increase your life span.
Listed below is a list of 10 things that can help eliminate stress in your life from Gretechen Rubin author of "The Happiness Project" and "Happier at Home" gives the following 10 tips on her blog.
1. Keep some cash in the house. For years, I badgered my husband to get cash so we had cash in the house. Finally, light dawned: Why did I get to decide that this was his problem? Now I get cash when we need a reserve, and I feel much better.
2. Never let your car’s gas level fall into the “empty” zone. Special note to my fellow under-buyers: if you can afford it, fill the tank! Save yourself from having to return to the gas station in two days.
3. Have an over-the-counter pain reliever at hand at all times.
4. Put your keys away in the same place every day. This sounds so easy — and it is. It will make you so happy.
5. Turn out the light as soon as you’re sleepy. Since I started my happiness project, I’ve become a sleep nut. Getting enough sleep makes a huge difference in my sense of energy and cheerfulness.
6. Walk around the block.
7. Take ten minutes before bed to tidy up.
8. If you have to pack a lunch for anyone, get it ready the night before.
9. Have at least one good friend who lives in the neighborhood.
10. Make your bed. This sounds trivial, I know — but try it, it really helps!
Challenge Issued!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Combo Challenge: Family & Spiritual
Readers...I apologize for not posting this yesterday but I wanted to do a combo challenge that focused on your family and your spiritual success. So this will be the challenge issued for Sunday and Monday. I think combining of these two areas will prove to be personally insightful.
Today's Challenge: Take a piece of notebook paper and write down your family members first names...filling the entire page. So start with those closest to you and go out till cousins, aunts, etc. Once you have the names all listed-write a prayer for them next to their name. If you have a small family you may want to add some close friends on that list.
Do you know how to pray for each of them? If not maybe you need to reach out to them and ask. Sometimes we forget that "Aunt Betty" struggles with her health or "Cousin Johnny" has tight finances. Maybe you haven't visited with this family member in awhile and calling to ask them how you can pray for them will be the motivation they need to keep pushing thru a tough time.
Never underestimate the power of prayer! There are multiple passages in the bible where it says, "Ask and it will be given..." Be bold with your master and today ASK FOR OTHERS.
Challenge Issued!
Today's Challenge: Take a piece of notebook paper and write down your family members first names...filling the entire page. So start with those closest to you and go out till cousins, aunts, etc. Once you have the names all listed-write a prayer for them next to their name. If you have a small family you may want to add some close friends on that list.
Do you know how to pray for each of them? If not maybe you need to reach out to them and ask. Sometimes we forget that "Aunt Betty" struggles with her health or "Cousin Johnny" has tight finances. Maybe you haven't visited with this family member in awhile and calling to ask them how you can pray for them will be the motivation they need to keep pushing thru a tough time.
Never underestimate the power of prayer! There are multiple passages in the bible where it says, "Ask and it will be given..." Be bold with your master and today ASK FOR OTHERS.
Challenge Issued!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
More Organized U: The Dreadful Sock Basket
I learned a lot of great organizational habits from my mom. I have to give her credit for list making, coupons and meal planning. One bad habit I learned from my mom was "the sock basket". When we fold clothes if the sock matching isn't easy or we don't see it quickly we just toss them in the basket. Let's just say-we have an entire laundry basket dedicated to socks. It's never been empty.
What bad organizational habit have you learned? Is it the letter holder over following? How about the catch-all bowl on your counter?
Today's Challenge: Get rid of the bad organizational habit. Clean it out and put it away!
I'll be matching and folding socks. What will you be doing?
Challenge Issued!
Friday, March 1, 2013
Relationship Challenge: Genuine Concern
For women this comes natural....we are designed to be emotional creatures and expressing genuine concern for friends or family is easier for us to do than our male counterparts. Sometimes women want to save the world one concern to the next...we can't!
Men, just the opposite...you guys are just happy minding your own business. You may have some genuine concern for a friend however, once you've asked him about it and he says, "Everything's fine." you nod and that's a good enough answer for you.
Where is the happy medium? Saving the world or dropping a real issue to fast? Obviously with each person it's different. With your child...save the world....with your Facebook friend it will be mention it once. Sometimes we may feel like we are butting into people's lives by expressing concern, however, sometimes people are wanting and needing for someone to just open the door.
Today's Challenge: If you feel like you have a friend in need-examine the relationship and be BOLD! Express concern. Let them know you are here if they want to talk or need anything. Maybe you should send some flowers or a note just to say you are thinking about them. Don't let the fear of rejection or humiliation stand in your way of expressing genuine concern.
Men, just the opposite...you guys are just happy minding your own business. You may have some genuine concern for a friend however, once you've asked him about it and he says, "Everything's fine." you nod and that's a good enough answer for you.
Where is the happy medium? Saving the world or dropping a real issue to fast? Obviously with each person it's different. With your child...save the world....with your Facebook friend it will be mention it once. Sometimes we may feel like we are butting into people's lives by expressing concern, however, sometimes people are wanting and needing for someone to just open the door.
Today's Challenge: If you feel like you have a friend in need-examine the relationship and be BOLD! Express concern. Let them know you are here if they want to talk or need anything. Maybe you should send some flowers or a note just to say you are thinking about them. Don't let the fear of rejection or humiliation stand in your way of expressing genuine concern.
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